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Guest ragerageragerage

Disregard Junezoes, Acquire RAGE

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Guest ragerageragerage

I can’t stand it on here anymore. Ever since P2 was ousted, things have been going down hill. I should have stayed out after the first name change. I’m sick of Juneson running things to their will, rather than getting any community input on what we want. The removal of FFA is supposed to stop trolls, but I’m sure they’re all sitting in their fancy ass staff forum laughing at how hard they’re trolling us. I can’t even tell Jason he’s an asshole without being promptly banned by his sidekick. Kind of a shame, I just got two rep bars too.

The clan’s gone to shit. As of now, the current IQ looks to be about 40 with the influx of JB-tard turned clanfag wannabe. Do us a favor and kill yourselves, it’s for the betterment of mankind. I’ll stick to ZM. Sorry bout giving up the fight for FFA. Have fun with your slightly exclusive pub where there’s still all the rules found in the normal forums.

Fuck you all, except for a couple people. You guys are still okay. The rest of you, namely assholes, can go headbutt a table saw. Also, I’m slightly angry.



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