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JB Jargon/Lingo and Commands! Another thread by Fruggles!

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Alright folks, so I think it's time we compile a dictionary/encyclopedia :) There is often confusion about orders, commands, games, and other shaz, so, much like the Broken Cuffs thread, we're going to start a JBWiki of all the important shit in JB. Alot of the things we will post here will essentially be clarifications of games and rules posted in THIS THREAD, but that's why I'm doing this, for clarifications. Now let's get this stickied just like the Break My Cuffs thread! Oh wait... :(

NOTE: I'm tired and busy, so I've only just started this, sorry, but feel free to post stuff for me to add tomorrow when I have more time and feel like doing this :P THANKS!

General Info

  • </p><p>
  • Walk/Shift Walk: This means hold down shift while you move. If a warden says to shift walk or walk somewhere, this is the movement you should be doing.
  • Crouch/Crouch Walk: This means CROUCH, hold down control. Unless the warden states otherwise, crouch walking is simply crouching while moving. This means you hold down the crouch key while moving wherever the warden tells you to. If a warden specifically tells you to hold down shift and crouch to move somewhere, then you should do it, but that's just SILLEH.


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WOW <insert name here>-Originally a term used to comment upon Triv's shenanigans, now used to compare others to Triv

speaking of triv, what happened to him? haven't seen him around lately

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Penis Cupcake ate him.


2.2= the original answerforeverymuthafrickingtrivaquestion.

yay for penis cupcake, he's so amazing

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-3x^-4 -> The one bind every player needs

sadly though, warden monkeh hasn't been on much lately, or at least he hasn't when i've been on. D=

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as well as pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis

and I win. for the occasional games of big dick and spelling bee. that never happen annymore...

This because freekirrer doesn't come on anymore

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Alright folks, so I think it's time we compile a dictionary/encyclopedia :) There is often confusion about orders, commands, games, and other shaz, so, much like the Broken Cuffs thread, we're going to start a JBWiki of all the important shit in JB. Alot of the things we will post here will essentially be clarifications of games and rules posted in THIS THREAD, but that's why I'm doing this, for clarifications. Now let's get this stickied just like the Break My Cuffs thread! Oh wait... :(

NOTE: I'm tired and busy, so I've only just started this, sorry, but feel free to post stuff for me to add tomorrow when I have more time and feel like doing this :P THANKS!

General Info

  • Walk/Shift Walk: This means hold down shift while you move. If a warden says to shift walk or walk somewhere, this is the movement you should be doing.
  • Crouch/Crouch Walk: This means CROUCH, hold down control. Unless the warden states otherwise, crouch walking is simply crouching while moving. This means you hold down the crouch key while moving wherever the warden tells you to. If a warden specifically tells you to hold down shift and crouch to move somewhere, then you should do it, but that's just SILLEH.

    I don't really like these rules, seeing as my crouch is shift, and my walk is control.
    So when a warden says " Please shift walk to....blah blah blah", if I were to hold down the shift button, which is my crouch, I would get killed for holding down the key he told me to.
    It's a good thing I know what they mean when they say "shift walk".

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Only those who were there for no chipping will truly understand

cluster's the one who said that right? hah, i think i remember.

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