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Best Friend Dad Died.

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My buddy is one of the nicest people you ever meet. The kind of person you meet for a couple minutes the first time and want to hang out with the next night. one of the guys.

A fucking great friend. Honest, caring, and truthful. I told him my girlfriend was pregnant before my parents.

Anyways.. two days ago his dad died. I have no fucken idea what to say to him. I'm in shock..

Which is nothing compared to what he's feeling I'm sure...

He was my roommate for 3 years, we lived in the same city for 8 years together.

I live in Alabama now the funeral is in Minnesota where I was born and raised. I cannot afford to go there sadly enough.

He wont answer my phone calls, and apparently he's been getting wasted the past couple nights. I have no idea what to do.

I have no family loses except great grandparents. so i have no idea what to say. Any input is appreciated.

And if your wondering how he died, he was a 55 year old training for a marathon and had a heart attack. He was in great shape (besides his heart apparently) He died at the gym.

No joke posts for fucks sake


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Condelences to your friend and just tell him to have a bit of faith, and his dad's in a better place. He's run the marathon of his life and has come first to the finish line and he's ready to run another one. (i hope that's not touching it too sensitive)

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Guest Fohacidal
Sometimes it's better not to say anything. Just be there for him.

This, sometimes its not about what you say, but how you act. Being there and letting your friend know that life will move on and that it isnt over for him yet is what will determine his psychological stability in the future.

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Sometimes it's better not to say anything. Just be there for him.

This...my mother is dead, and tbh it pissed me off that EVERYONE has their 2 cents when it comes to how you should feel. Just be a good friend to him and let him know what you can help him with (coping, talking, w/e )

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