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Hey guys, made a new forum and I'm calling on you guys for a bit of assistance.


This map currently is impossible to win under current conditions. It's a very zombie sided map and the humans do not get much opportunity to get away, more or less even get to the ending of the map. There are two current issues right now.

1. The gates at the bottom of the elevators at the start break far too early, allowing the zombies to easily catch a ton of humans before the map really gets going.

2. The spawn point for zombies after the plane scene allows them to easily rush humans - basically, no real distance gain can be made by humans.

My opinions to fix it are this:

1. Change the gates timer and add another 3-5 seconds on it before they can break, or allow them to be damaged after the elevator is at the top (if that's possible).

2. After the plane scene, delay the zombie teleport into the snowy area by about 3-5 seconds so the humans can get distance, or have the humans spawn earlier.

Obviously you guys have more experience than I, so change it as you see fit with those two areas.

Much appreciated!

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