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Q_Q Cheesecake


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I don't think fruit should be allowed to touch a pizza. It's like putting fruit in a hamburger.

I will eat it, but I'd rather not.

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Guest Horny©at

How wierd, I just ate a hawaiin and ham pizza from pizza hut. IT WAS FUCKING DELICIOUS. don't give a shit if you got shit or piss on a pizza, my rules is, IF IT TASTE GOOD, JUST FUCKING EAT IT.


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Guest Waffle
How wierd, I just ate a hawaiin and ham pizza from pizza hut. IT WAS FUCKING DELICIOUS. don't give a shit if you got shit or piss on a pizza, my rules is, IF IT TASTE GOOD, JUST FUCKING EAT IT.


So you would eat shit or piss?

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Guest Horny©at
So you would eat shit or piss?

If it taste good, you're damn right I will? Society labels things that get into our heads unaccordingly. For example, If you tell an American to eat a fly or a cockroach, they will hesitate to eat it, but who is to say what taste good or not.

That sentence that you made of me eating shit or piss shows that you consider piss or shit nasty and grotesque based on it's appearance or smell. I'm not saying I would eat shit or piss anytime, but if that shit or piss taste like strawberry cheesecake, I'm putting that in my BELLY INSTANTLY.

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If it taste good, you're damn right I will? Society labels things that get into our heads unaccordingly. For example, If you tell an American to eat a fly or a cockroach, they will hesitate to eat it, but who is to say what taste good or not.

That sentence that you made of me eating shit or piss shows that you consider piss or shit nasty and grotesque based on it's appearance or smell. I'm not saying I would eat shit or piss anytime, but if that shit or piss taste like strawberry cheesecake, I'm putting that in my BELLY INSTANTLY.

Well, it is not really all about taste. Visual appearance, scent and texture all come into play. I probably wouldn't eat shit if it tasted like strawberry cheesecake but still smelled and looked like shit.

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Guest Horny©at
Well, it is not really all about taste. Visual appearance, scent and texture all come into play. I probably wouldn't eat shit if it tasted like strawberry cheesecake but still smelled and looked like shit.

I meant if it WAS a strawberry cheesecake. I forgot to add " if that shit or piss taste,smells,feels like a strawberry cheesecake, I would eat it". I call it strawberry shitcake.

Imagine living in a world where food has no proper name and you had to eat based on what YOU, not anyone else, think is good.

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