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Contract Killer

Shutter Island

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If you haven't seen it, get out of your basement and go pay the $10 to see it (It's worth it).

Now, for those who have, what do you make of it?

**********SPOILER ALERT**********

So, my take from the movie (which is not the typical one) is that the main character was actually sent to the island like he thought he was, and everything that happened was reality, not played out. He did not kill his wife. I got this from ending where they examine him and he goes along with the story, and when he gets outside with his partner/doctor he asks "How are we getting out of here?" or whatever he says. Then proceeds to ask him "Would you rather live a Monster, or die a Good Man?". At that point I felt that he knew that everything really had happened, and knew that he would be taken away to have his brain experimented on.

That's just my take, I'd like to hear your's.

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I think he was just playing their little "game" just as they said. After coming to the realization that he isn't Teddy, they were relieved because they had proof that their work on the island is working. Sadly, his partner goes up to him the next day and his mind reset just as the previous time. The partner nods and they take him away to get his brain scrambled.

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