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Guest kr1kit

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Guest cc90z
So is being bald the ultimate form of hygiene laziness?

Perhaps both are, but most bald people wash themselves. While I assume people with dreads do not. Im not a fan of either, moreso dreads as the look is horrible.

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Perhaps both are, but most bald people wash themselves. While I assume people with dreads do not. Im not a fan of either, moreso dreads as the look is horrible.

I agree with you on white people. But as for blacks dreads suit them well. Bald people suck, its just a way to try and look tough.

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Guest Fohacidal
You need to learn how to put images up.


But I don't see why you wouldn't believe him?

I can buy camo pants at JCPenny

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No wai that's hax Foh.

But seriously why do you, whoever you are "fagbios", even care?

1. It's the internet.

2. Why would he lie anyways? To be made a fool of if he got caught?

3. If he is lying, well, we all got pwnt lol.

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I was really just going to ignore this because I'm sick of hearing about it. It is fuckin stupid, imature and seriously fucked up. I don't question you guys all the time and give you guys shit, so why fuck with me? ALL THE TIME... It gets old, this is the LAST FUCKIN TIME I'M GOING TO ADDRESS THIS. I got a pic of me from my buddy, it's grainy but pretty fuckin clear. I never owned a digital camera until like 2005. Now everyone, suck my balls. I'm a midget, I'm 5' 7".

Night March, you can at least clearly see my lack of eyebrows. Keep in mind this was like 5 years ago.


Me wearing my glasses in 2006


Me now, the date is wrong.


Me and my fat cat.


Before boot camp in 2001. In Quebec with my ex.


Hopefully that'll shut you guys up for a while, or at least until you find someone else to harass.

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harass me harass me! Zeus, Project, and Foh got pwned! You happy now you little gay bastards?You just wanted more pics of Fox so you could get your beat off on. You should be ashamed

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Kelso, you look like a mix of two of my friends. Very familiar. (although ive never actually seen you)

Ha, trust me, that's me. Sounds like you have some pretty sexy friends. lmao.

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harass me harass me! Zeus, Project, and Foh got pwned! You happy now you little gay bastards?You just wanted more pics of Fox so you could get your beat off on. You should be ashamed

Haha. I like the one with the cat. His face just as that fuck me look on it. God damnit I want to tap that ass.

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harass me harass me! Zeus, Project, and Foh got pwned! You happy now you little gay bastards?You just wanted more pics of Fox so you could get your beat off on. You should be ashamed

Wow are you fucking retarded? You fucking faggot I believe fox, all I did was re-host that picture that the previous poster had posted. I have even talked to bios about the Marines so shut the fuck up and get your facts straight before you run your mouth.

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OK guys enough, let's keep this peaceful please. Project, stop flaming. BTW I have the best cat ever. He is fat, has no tail, and acts more like a dog.

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There, I made it clear.

Yeah I know. Anyways, whoever it was that took the time to do that pic, you are a fuckin jerk off. You prove just in your name that you register on a forums with an immature name which proves you have no life and a drive to discredit me. Seriously, go fuck yourself. I'm waiting for a fuckin douche bag like you to be all like, "ZOMG he found that pic on google." or some shit. I hope people actually go and try to find some shit like that, I would laugh my ass off and get some amusement from it. Also, check the background with my awesome HUGE history of the Marines book, and my marine corps RSS Dover company sweatshirt. One more thing, who the fuck has the logic that says, "he must not have been a marine because his house is dirty," that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I've always hated cleaning and I always will. You just do it when you're in the military because you don't have a choice. Also, notice the bottle of Bacardi and the poker chips on the table from the poker night we had the night b4.

One of the reasons why my cat pwns face. Look at his stub and his fat rolls. Girls absolutely love him.


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hahaha and Project flips out first. You know what that means don't you? You want Bios Project, it wasn't Foh, or Zeus, it was all you!!! Boner it was a joke moron, you were one of the ones posting thats why I included you in the joke, but boy did you get really offended... maybe you do want some Bios?..... Ok anyways. lets starts posting pictures like this topic suggests.

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