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Amber's Ban [cont'd]

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Guest Mr Clickerson
Wrong. He started it with this post.

Wrong. You're the entire reason Amber is no longer banned. Now you're bitching about it. It makes perfect sense that you are now a subject of discussion.

Make up your mind, plz.

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Guest Mr Clickerson
Word, Im about to get pics of all the staffmembers/zeus and make something epic. And no one can stop me! This is fucking great!

Go for it. Don't really have much to work with.

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Guest Mr Clickerson
Nitestalker, AGAIN If he had actually told me to take it out I would have but he didn't. Obviously he didn't tell me to take it out of my avatar in vent. Plus I haven't actually talked to Magic since that tinychat thing.

And since you decided to quote junzou with "Unless they give written consent" then I can use Samm as an example, because as you said, she never said ANYTHING about it.

You were unbanned under the new PIP, just as Ponch, Wookie, and TTD weren't banned for their PIP violations under the old PIP (because we were waiting on the revision). Just ignore him at this point. If they weren't banned, there's no reason you should be either, so stop wasting your time and ignore his BS.

Technically yes, you should have been banned, but so should have those three.

biz as uge, you are the definition of a white knight. You've been fighting to get Amber banned in the name of MagicRatt for hours now.


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Guest Mr Clickerson
I see what you did thar.


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just change the PIP to include photosd bann anyone that breaks the rules. not to hard. I dont want my shit fucked with so why would anyone else.

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just change the PIP to include photosd bann anyone that breaks the rules. not to hard. I dont want my shit fucked with so why would anyone else.

If your pictures are on the internet and are publicly available, that is YOUR fault, and you have no one but yourself to blame if they get found. The PIP doesn't protect against stupidity, it protects against people who go digging in internet white pages to find your home address and phone number.

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Im just going to go ahead and say.

There was no recording of fatboy.

he thought I was recording him because I was afking in the channel.

I was fucking alseep.



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Guest Mr Clickerson
I just laughed so fucking hard. Well played Shippo.

And so the truth is out. If only your connections were as good as mine. lul

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Guest Fohacidal
And so the truth is out. If only your connections were as good as mine. lul


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Its not up to you to decide if I want my shit here. If I have picture else were and some pimple ass kid wants to spend hours finding my info he/she needs to be banned. it about respect. you home phone address and the type of car you drive are public record. that doesn't mean we should allow it. staff needs to understand that it could cause legal issues. Not just a pissed of member. they are hosting such info. fine line to follow. I doubt anyone here has the legal knowage to define what is border line and what is not. Play it safe. if someone asks for a photo to be removed then it needs to be removed.

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Guest Mr Clickerson
Its not up to you to decide if I want my shit here. If I have picture else were and some pimple ass kid wants to spend hours finding my info he/she needs to be banned. it about respect. you home phone address and the type of car you drive are public record. that doesn't mean we should allow it. staff needs to understand that it could cause legal issues. Not just a pissed of member. they are hosting such info. fine line to follow. I doubt anyone here has the legal knowage to define what is border line and what is not. Play it safe. if someone asks for a photo to be removed then it needs to be removed.

Straight to the bottom line. I like it.

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I wish I could see/hear fatboys rage.

and btw organik?

who the fuck cares about project lol. wooooo he got unbanned cool story bro.

its a game.

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So I just saw this thread so My quoting is kinda late but whatever.

Exactly. She didn't know there was a new PIP. What she did was an open act of defiance just to piss MagicRatt off and to show that people on staff had her back; essentially, to show she was above the rules.

Kay so first of all, yes, I didn't know that there was going to be a new pip, Second, I didn't do it to make MagicRatt mad. I actually liked the picture. I like how he had that little cow from I think it was Chik-fill-a and Organik had the Multi-colored cow. I could have easily taken it off of my Avatar if he had asked me HIMSELF to do so in the first place.

As for banning Amber, I'm pretty sure she put it in her avatar during or after the new PIP revision was made (at least in the staff forum).

Actually No I didn't, because I had no knowledge of there ever being a new pip. I haven't really talked to any of the staff members, Nor would they actually tell me anything about it if I did.

but the rules (well the rules that were in place when she broke PIP) stated that you can only use pictures that were posted on vent/servers/forums any outside pictures would need consent. which she did not have.

but it's cool to change rules to save friends.

Pretty sure the rules were not Changed to save friends, because if it was, they most definitely wouldn't have saved me. Kthx.

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friends do alot around here. get you unbanned change rules and get you into lvl3 areas of the forums. Need to get me some friends.

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friends do alot around here. get you unbanned change rules and get you into lvl3 areas of the forums. Need to get me some friends.

I'm sure that if you ask a staff member for free for all, the would let you have it.

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