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Urban dictionary your city

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Its Heaven and Hell down here. I know since I lived here my whole life. Unlike the stereotype, we dont only have palm trees, its not always sunny but it alway rains and its always hot exept in January when it gets down to the 40's or rarely the high 30's (how the hell do you guys up north stand it?!?),we dont go to the beach every day but at least once a week if there isn't something in the water (shit, trash, fatass people in the water, etc.), and its not overun by old people (they live in north florida but I and most people in south florida don't really care about N. FL.).

What is true is that there is always hotass chicks wearing thongs around to have sex with, during summer there's always fat tourists everyware you turn buying overpriced shit, complaning how hot it is, and wearing things on the beach you should never wear.

Downtown Miami is drug central and the worlds biggest pawn shop. You need some dope, got it. You need an Usi or two, got it too. You need a hit, already done.

Most people who drive down here seam to have never gotten a drivers license. Theres the asshole who goes in the turning lane and nearly fishtails you, the old people who drive 30 mph on the highway, the chicks that just talk on their cellphone and cut clean across from the far right lane to the left turning lane, nearly causing a huge crash, and the guy who drives 30 mph on a 45 mph road but should be going around 50+ if there's no police around and when you try and pass him, he speeds...

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pretty, preppy little town in connecticut. filled with upper middle class, xenophobic families who have trouble accepting anyone who they didnt go to daycare with. the parents are typically pretentious, judgemental assholes and the kids are socially awkward. girls can usually be seen wearing hollister and abercrombie and weigh about two pounds. the boys are significantly less attractive but wear the same tacky fashions. everyone hear bitches about how much their life sucks, which in a way it does, because there is legitimately nothing to do here. on occasion something REALLY exciting happens, like a girl almost gets abducted, or someone does drugs, but usually everyone sits around in their antique houses, being swallowed up by their boredom. although this may look lik e the perfect place to raise a family, do not move here unless you want a child so boring they have to make an effort to keep from drooling all over their size zero hollister shirt.

So untrue!

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The asshole of the universe. An urban area in upstate NY that is overrun by crackheads and drunks and welfare families with daily baby momma drama. Full of busted ass buildings and out of work leather mills, dirty, scummy and home to the stupidest people on the planet.

"Have you ever been to Gloversville?" "Yeah, I came home with crabs, VD and a crack addiction"

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My town is only listed with no information. Nothing special, but here's Morgantown up north from me:

True Fact: Morgantown drinks 1% of Anheuser-Busch's alcohol sales every year. Enough said.

The only place where drinking and driving, burning couches in the street, and tearing out your own teams goal post when they kick Big East Ass is legal.

by WVU Axeman Dec 27, 2003 share this

2. morgantown 126 up, 24 down

buy morgantown mugs, tshirts and magnetsMorgantown WESSSSST VIRGINIA...home of the famous Mountaineers. Number FOUR party school in the nation. We pregame harder than you party. Where most schools only party on weekends, WVU students can find a party any night of the week! Students stumble to downtown bars or house parties to finish their drinking for the night after pregaming in the dorm with their RA and eventually blacking out. Students' at WVU motto: "I don't remember but i know i had fun!!!" For anyone who is too hungover to start drinking at 1:00pm the next day...students can find 5 people on their floor that deals pot who can help cure their pain. So after being cured, dont be surprised to be let out of class early so professors and fellow students can attend happy hour. Don't be alarmed if you see one of your professors at the porn shop next to shooters or buying you a shot at lazy lizard. GET A GOOD PHONE because students at WVU know the bar specials better than their friends numbers AND you WILL go thru 5 phones first sem...(hint: dont drop your in the cup while playing beer pong (Bianca), flush it dont the toilet (Abi), or drop it in the snow while stumbling back from the bar (Katie). If you really want to experience the best 7 years of your life...come join us at WVU....apply today for your opportunity at greatness!!!!

ps...we love beer, liquor and pot....and we dare you to visit...most cant keep up!!!!!

Where Greatness is Learned and Couches are Burned!!!

by Bankaa and KT plus T-ROC Mar 2, 2005 share this

3. Morgantown 84 up, 26 down

buy morgantown mugs, tshirts and magnetsHome to WVU and the mountaineers. At one point the number 1 party school in the nation. We know how to drink!

Ryan: Hey, what classes are you taking this year?

Dave: Drinking 103, the import class.

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Miami is the city that you love to hate.

Its the city that you hate to be a part of and proud to say your from.

Its the city with the poorest hoods and the richest mansions.

Its they city that scares you to be in and love every part of.

Its got nightlife and parts that will end your life at night.

Miami is the gateway to and from the US.

Miami is (form: South Beach, Coral Gables, North Miami Beach to: Liberty City, Carol City, Little Havanna).

Miami is the home of D-Wade, and Shaq.


Miami is da shit, but let's not get shot.

The largest Cuban city in the world after Havana.

Miami is the city that Cubans built.

and my favorite:






m.i.a.m.i-money is a major issue

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flames still suck tho...

theres a fuck load of pages about cowtown (Calgary) and he choises that 1

And the Oilers still suck more?

I would have too :)

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Toronto, Ontario

Our sports teams suck, but Toronto is the largest concentration of hockey lovers in the world, even though the home team is shit.

Many Canadians from outside southern Ontario hate the city because its "too American" or because we have too much pollution and crime, although for a city our size the crime actually isn't too bad, although I will agree there is too much air pollution during the summer. And while some Torontonians have a bloated ego about their city, overall we are still decent folk, despite what some other Canadians like to tell themselves about us.

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1.Arlington Whites

A slang term for the northwest suburb of Chicago, Arlington Heights. It is called this due to the fact that virtually everyone that lives their is white.

" This place smells and their are minorities everywhere. When are we going to get back to clean, productive, crime free Arlington Whites?"

2.action heights

1).A nickname given to the city of arlington heights. A sort of play on words b/c, of course, there is little to no action in arlington heights. So little in fact that the police force has nothing better to do than ride around looking for highschool kids to arrest/ give "codes" to.

2.) Home of hersey high school

3.) Home to 12 total black kids (see reggin bobby)

#1- shit man, this town is boring as a muthasucka, aint nuthin to do.

#2- hell man, thats cuz we in action heights!

#1- Aww true that. Yo thank god we live in Mt. Prospect!

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London - its a wiked place but aint all that posh like the americans think it to be.

Most of London, except the outer boroughs ,central london and most of westminster is a dump, shitty public housing everywhere from crappy council houses to grimey shitty towerblocks and big dirty estates.

If you wana see londons ghettos - then go to these places - HARLESDEN, Stonebridge, north kensington, gospel oak, BRIXTON, streatham, PECKHAM, walworth, lewisham, deptford, new cross, woolwich, Plaistow, west ham, stratford, HACKNEY, bow, bethnal green, poplar, enfield and TOTTENHAM.

Yeh they're all very shitty with high levels of crime, for example - a lot of robbery, burglary, assault, regular stabbings, occasional shootings and car-jacking goes on and most teenagers in these parts carry knives.

Most gangs always got straps and people carry converted baikals that fire 9mm ammunition, mac 10s, magnums and revolvers. Bare people in London do own guns even though theyre illegal.

If you don't want to get shot, dont go to the places in caps - brixton, peckham, hackney, tottenham and harlesden (harlesden/stonebridge has decreasing crime but once gunshots wud go off every nite, it was like jamaica around 8 years ago)

London has 3 times the amount of crime New York does just to note.

African american kid is walkin along in brixton, London and sees some british niggaz smokin weed.

"yo fam - i dint know UK had weed, i thought yall jus sipped tea and ate crumpets fo real"

BANG BANG BANG - kid gets shot

"talk to da gun pussyole, fuckin yank wasteman"


lol, i live in lewisham aswell XD

if u cant understand some language in that i'll translate, i dunno how u americans speak lol

bare= many

pussyole= pussy hole

fam= brah

wasteman= faggot


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Suburban town of 25,000 in the Metro East known for its fairly high level of affluence. Home to a branch of Southern Illinois University and the county seat of Madison County, the town has gained a reputation for being stuck up and showy, when in reality, all the other towns around it in Madison county are fucking shit holes and people wish they could afford to live in Edwardsville. Not the most exciting place, but definitely better than most.

Edwardsville always has good high school sports teams.

In Edwardsville, we're better than you..and we know it!

^ old town I used to live in when I lived in Illinois.



no zero's aloud bullshit!

gay ass dress codee!

Saturday school really?

doc spends school funds on cigs fake tans and sports cars..

starts at 7 o'clock

hang out spot at the movies and Mcalisters

you will find wannabe rednecks bi or gay emo people and stuck preppy bitches.

have teachers that smoke weed such as miss shuler.

one of the most boring places you will ever go

if you ever wanna find the football field follow the dragon paws on the streets

when on byhalia if you see something that resembles a jail its the high school.

old creepy gym teachers such as coach brock

smushed cockroaches in everywhere through out the school and the occasional live one.

if you walk into the school and its a little smelly don't worry its just the backed up sewage

unidentable school lunches

biggest trends sleeping around getting high and or drunk

know as a snoby rich kid school

fights over stupid things like lunch seats

while walking down stairs or halways you will see dip stuck to the walls and will have the lights turned off on you

if you are not forced then do not ever come to collierville you will die of boredum!


^ town I live in now(basically near)

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Comox Valley, Containing: Courtenay, Comox, Cumberland, Black Creek and Merville. Starting in alphabetical order:

Black Creek. Black Creek contains the hick population, mostly farmland and weed feilds. Save a horse/ ride a black creek slut.

Comox. Population: loosers, if you lived there you would be home by now... alone... in your bed, masturbating. Its a 'waterfront' district but most people are too bored to veiw it.

Courtenay. The largest city in the comox valley known for 'the mile of flowers' wich is really just a few garden beds with needles and excess change scattered here and there. There is one general store on every block to even out the number of lazy stoners that cant walk very far to get their munchies. Little known fact/ they hire handicapt druggie hookers to clean up the rec center area.

Cumberland. The joke of comox valley, inspiring many jokes such as: Why wasnt Jesus born in Cumberland... because they couldnt find a wise man OR a virgin, and, Whats the most confusing day in Cumberland... Fathers Day. Its a small community in wich everyone is related, if you didnt get the jokes. Surprisingly they do not have children with people from surrounding areas, they just have sex with them... I think it might be a law there to have children with your cousins, siblings parents and so forth.

Merville is gumbo...

1. Comox Valley really is a drug hole.

2. Comox itself is a retirement place, mostly old people and druggies.

3. Courtenay... mostly druggies and the Rec Center part is actually true.

4. Cumberland really is the joke of the Island. Our water supply is actualy lucky beer.

5. Merville.... waste of space.

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