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Change rule on racism

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I think the rule on racism should be changed to something different.

I've seen an admin ban for someone saying "nigga" in a conversation. My thought it that racism should be enforced in context. So if someone is spamming "N*GGER" then yes, but if they use it in a conversation not in a racist term then no ban.


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If people cant control what come out of their mouth they shouldnt be allowed to play. but i wouldnt ban someone if they occasionally said it. now if they spammed the word nigger then action would have to be taken. as far as my thoughts go, general racism is ok. but really who uses nigger to actually mean that. people these days just say it as another way to say fag or piece of shit.

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Tbh, I don't care when people use 'nigga' or 'nigger' when jokingly talking about someone else. As if someone calling someone else a '<insert word here>'. That stuff doesn't bother me. The thing thats wrong is when people are obviously making comments AGAINST a race. I don't make the rules here, I just enforce them (maybe).

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Tbh, I don't care when people use 'nigga' or 'nigger' when jokingly talking about someone else. As if someone calling someone else a '<insert word here>'. That stuff doesn't bother me. The thing thats wrong is when people are obviously making comments AGAINST a race. I don't make the rules here, I just enforce them (maybe).

exactly what i was trying to say. just couldnt word it right.

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Tbh, I don't care when people use 'nigga' or 'nigger' when jokingly talking about someone else. As if someone calling someone else a '<insert word here>'. That stuff doesn't bother me. The thing thats wrong is when people are obviously making comments AGAINST a race. I don't make the rules here, I just enforce them (maybe).
exactly what i was trying to say. just couldnt word it right.


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Do people not realize CS:S is an M rated game?

Call me horrible, but its a mature online game, meant for those over 17, people should know damn well when entering a server others may say shit, spray shit, or act in ways they may not appreciate. If they arent mature enough to handle the language and what not thrown at them online, maybe they shouldnt be playing online games.

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Do people not realize CS:S is an M rated game?

Call me horrible, but its a mature online game, meant for those over 17, people should know damn well when entering a server others may say shit, spray shit, or act in ways they may not appreciate. If they arent mature enough to handle the language and what not thrown at them online, maybe they shouldnt be playing online games.

QFT I have always thought racism bans were just silly.

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So can we use the N word in game now in casual non-degrading/non-discriminatory towards a race conversation?

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I'd say leave it. why? because people will keep bending the rules and make a case based on things just like this. you don't need to agree with it just conform

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