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Glock Monster

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This race is also OP...

i mean its a great idea, but the 100% bash is too much.. i know a lot of people in the server who have the same opinion

imo, tone down the speed a little bit (like undead scourges speed) and make it like 40% bash or 50%

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It's bash is 25% not 100%:

"skill5_setting" "es_xset wcs_chance 5|es_xset wcs_chance 10|es_xset wcs_chance 15|es_xset wcs_chance 20|es_xset wcs_chance 25"

It's speed is barely higher than Undead's:


"skill2_setting" "es_xset wcs_speed 1.08|es_xset wcs_speed 1.12|es_xset wcs_speed 1.16|es_xset wcs_speed 1.20|es_xset wcs_speed 1.24|es_xset wcs_speed 1.28|es_xset wcs_speed 1.28|es_xset wcs_speed 1.30"


"skill1_setting" "es_xset wcs_speed 1.15|es_xset wcs_speed 1.20|es_xset wcs_speed 1.25|es_xset wcs_speed 1.3|es_xset wcs_speed 1.35"

And max speed to get from boots is 1.50.

Since it's only got a Glock I think +5% is nothing to make it so OP.

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It's not OP, though whenever I use it, I always seem to go over 4:1 kdr fairly quickly and thats without buying any +attack or anything.

I never seem to get bash to work often though. Maybe 8-10 times out of the whole clip?

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really.... when im using glock monster i seem to bash on every hit (when i triple burst it)

and when im playing against glock monster i seem to get bashed every hit

it turns out since the glock fires at a substantial rate, the target just remains frozen

It's not OP, though whenever I use it, I always seem to go over 4:1 kdr fairly quickly and thats without buying any +attack or anything.

^^ thats my definition of OP ^^ if i can do extremely well on a race w/out stacking it with numerous items

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lies ruby... plain lies...

i have never seen anyone get a 4:1 kd on terrorist unless they stack it up w/ crazy shopitems

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easily ruby? That means next time I see you in game you can just switch to terrorist race and get a 4-1 ratio? Just like that? Because you easily get a 4:1 kdr?

Or did you get a 4:1 ratio once on terrorist and now assume that it can happen all the time?

Or are we talking about having the team stacked in your favor so bad you never die?

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nah, I don't use shopitems half the time. You wanna know how easy it is to get a good kdr with terrorist.

Here is what I do half the time on terrorist. Move towards objective slowly, using ultimate ASAP. Kill anyone that I find or is being shot from. Then, when I simply die, I blow up and kill someone I had taken cash from before and 99% of the time, that works.

Overall, I get roughly 3-5 kills before dieing and getting an extra kill.

Not really hard if you play it right. Of course being last guy makes it all the more fun when you are rushed by all of them and you wipe their team out with the 80 clip AK47 and then blow up.

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i still have never seen you do this black mage

in fact, i don't think i've seen/remember you on the server

is your ingame name "Ruby"?

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