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Contract Killer

I got an In-School Suspension

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If You can't read it, it says:

"Joe said the phrase 'sucky sucky 5 dolla' out loud in class, loud enough for students around him as well as the teacher to hear."

"Once in the Assistant Principle's office it was discussed the meaning of the phrase where Joe admitted the phrase 'sucky sucky' is referring to asking someone for oral sex for five dollars."

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Guest formerlyaeth

was going to write FUCKING ASS on the teachers shirt in permanant marker, but decided that wouldn't be very nice on a record. :(

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so in southpark there are asian prostitutes and they would stop cars and say "sucky sucky 5 dolla".. yes the asian accent LOL

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Wow...an inhouse for that?

I guess me and my friend's 6 day ditching spree was just as bad since we got the same punishment. Basically we only got caught for one day because the vice principle was driving around and saw us crossing the street during school hours (why wasnt she at school?) but we had 5 other days that didnt have any excuse or note (I think I also forged my mom's signature for a sick note). This was the end of week 3 of the school year.

Previous School Year

The other In house I got was for not going to detention...like 10 of them.... Then we got another in house because we ditched that in house (our first day ditching ahh...the memories)

I dont know why in house detention starts an HOUR later than school. Basically me and my friend were originally going to go, but we arrived at school at the normal time (we had a carpool) and when everyone went to class, me and my friend just went to McDonalds and on our way back he asked, Do you really want to go back? So we didnt go back and enjoyed the day only to get in house detention in the office when we went to school the next week (in house I think was always on a friday).

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