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Guest Horny©at

I watched it and was bored for the first 30 minutes (movie is 1 hour and 37 minutes).The movie picks up in scariness at the 50 minute mark.

Another thing that pissed me off was how much of a pussy Katie is. I mean she fucking cries for everything. There was a spider and she goes ape shit over it. WTF?

I think Micah is an awesome actor and he should be in more movies. Did you see how in the last 10 minutes of the movie Micah hears Katie screaming downstairs and he runs fast as hell downstairs, that made me LOL hard. When I was watching that part of the movie with my friend, he was like "surely he must be black, only black people can run that fast" LOL.

But I got to admit that the movie was really well made, it might not have been the scariest but it was entertaining to watch.

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For, what started out as, an independent movie to be transformed into basically a phenomena of the "demand it to watch it" thing. I was actually quite surprised. First off how low budget it was and well done the movie was. I went in expecting another lame movie and came out pretty satisfied. The only thing that made me mad was.... ***SPOILERS!!***

They put the ending in the trailer!!! I mean seriously I hate going to a movie expecting one part that I seen in a commercial only to have it be the ending to the whole film... I guess that's just me.

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