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hi im bak, wtd i miss XD

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sup guys :D i r bak

got caught up wit.....life(basically lol)

theres aLLOOOTTTT OF new ppl and changes....ive been gone for abt a month n half so will any1 kindly fill me in on the stuff that hpnd? i.e name changes <.<, to new ranks n stuff

p.s- i kno im being lazy but i just want a quick dl so i can research up on the stuff i really care abt :/ just being honest

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since no one is briefing you on this, I'll take the initiative. This is going in somewhat of a chronological order. i may mess up and may miss some crucial things but what the hay!

1.sometime far back... I don't remember what happened

2. P2 stole $5600 and used it on some shitty pizza

3. P2 used the money to buy Burgers at burger king...

4. P2 upgraded his shitty pizza to MARCO'S PIZZA

5. I heard he spent it on bestbuy too...

6. P2 did a chargeback on the dedicated server box and caused Coinstar to spend 360$ out of his own pockets

PARALLEL PL0T, SOMETIME around 4. 5. and 6., we also as a clan voted on a name change as it was "necessary"

1. We listed over 100 names to choose from

2. We voted

3. We semi-final voted

4. We final Voted.

5. We ended up with Synbiote gaming or something lets just skip the pronounciations and go straight to calling it sG

ANOTHER PARALLEL PLOT -- Sometime between all of this shiznit all together

1. We Got a new gungame server

2. We played the gungame server

3. Some of us got bored of the gungame server

4. ...so we left the gungame server.

YET ANOTHER PARALLEL PLOT -- Sometime during the 1. 2. 3. of the first plot,

1. P2 was kicked out for stealing 5 grands from us

2. P2 "apologized"....no one accepted. No exceptions

THE FINAL PLOT...OR IS IT? --- Sometime near the end of all of this.

1. Some of us disagreed with the new name and <3 the old name so...

2. Some of us split and started a new clan :( (im sad)

3. A few of us joined. Double clanning it up.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST THE FUNNY PLOT -- Sometime in the middle of all of this

1. Shippo was acccused of some shit

2. HE took a picture of his console....with his background in the background

3. In his background, he has "material wall hacks" of some sort.

4. He got banned.

5. HE got removed from clan

6. HE removed his vent channel

7. HE joined the split clan mentioned above.

SO this basically sums up most of what happened, It was fun, depressing, sad, halarious, you name it. You missed a lot. But hey... Times change people. Hopefully we all don't get sucked into that.

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Hey and a warm Welcome!

see what i did thar

Lol awww your making fun of Mr.Down Syndrome.

Anyway, read the news forum, and the sticky posts in the pub to see whats up.

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