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=(UV)= Movie - Take Two

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Phoenix @ Aug 12 2007, 11:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Why not have the "Mine" thing in the zombie mod. At the end of a round there is only a ct left and the zombies start to run after him in a train line. While the zombies follow him they scream MINE MINE MINE or the zombie sound, O.o dunno.

Oh and then they all jump off the cliff in island defense!!!

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I GOT IT!!! laugh.gif

Why not make a We Love =(UV)= Take Two?

First part


1 Ct with 1 zombie.

CT- "Welcome to..."

Z- "RAWR" *Knifes CT* "=(UV)="

-1rst Part

Barby Girl (Ugly version) in ZMOD

1 Zombie and 1 ct.

Zombie is the barby girl singing and ct in the man in the musiv video.

Between cuts is the "Mine mine mine!!!" 10 zombies after a ct.

-2cnd Part

Surf MOD

Everyone (newbs) spawns and choose there guns. One after another tries to surf and fails. All fail and fall saying "AAAAH!!!" a funny way.

Back to the mine mine mine!

-3rd Part

It is the telletubies time! in Hide N Seek MOD

We hear the intro of the teletubies while everyone is hiding.

Then as the show, they players jumps out of nowhere and says "Coocoo!" or "Picaboo"!

(Don't ask, I have to watch this stupid show with my cousin, just someone put more details)

Back to the mine mine mine again.

-4th Part


You Spin me Round.

3 cts and 3ts running after each other with a knife running around the fountain.

Credits saying "What the fuck it's done?" "NOT"

Background video featuring all mods while having credits.

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1-800-Magic? Nice skit, but title is sorta taken....


Does it always have to have a zombie? i posted an office intro skit in the first movie. maby we could use that.


Im willing to act, and i have a capture card. so ask if you need my help...

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Lone Ct walks to long hall *camra follows*

*camra switches to side hall* the ct turns the corner *camra angles it toward him*

*camra in T spawn looking at doorway* Ct comes to a halt

*camra turns around* 31 Ts are danceing around a radio

Ct shoots the Radio

Ts stop and all turn to Ct, all go from knife to gun


*Camra side scrolls across Ts faces shooting at camra*(the ct)

Shooting stops. Camra turn on CT. CT crouched looking on floor

Ct stands up and turns around looking at all the bullet holes on the wall

Lone T walks foward infront of ct and turns toward the T

T(little kids voice): What the fuck was that?

CT shoots T in back of head. Straight to intro.

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Only on Tuesdays @ Aug 12 2007, 03:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>



1-800-Magic? Nice skit, but title is sorta taken....


Does it always have to have a zombie? i posted an office intro skit in the first movie. maby we could use that.


Im willing to act, and i have a capture card. so ask if you need my help...

Yes, 1-800-magic was the inspiration. The title is not taken as magic is now ZOMBIES.

This can be its own movie as opposed to the UV movie, as evergreen has already suggested. Don't get upset thinking its taking up valuable skit time from the UV movie.

Besides, i have ideas for future 1-800-zombies in my head... maybe another two short episodes worth?

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Eaglewonj @ Aug 12 2007, 09:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Yes, 1-800-magic was the inspiration. The title is not taken as magic is now ZOMBIES.

This can be its own movie as opposed to the UV movie, as evergreen has already suggested. Don't get upset thinking its taking up valuable skit time from the UV movie.

Besides, i have ideas for future 1-800-zombies in my head... maybe another two short episodes worth?

Well Im willing to help out if you guys need another person to act. Just add link66spg@hotmail.com on steam friends. Im usually on steam for a good amount of the day.

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-1rst Part

Barby Girl (Ugly version) in ZMOD

1 Zombie and 1 ct.

Zombie is the barby girl singing and ct in the man in the musiv video.

or the teletubies thing i posted.

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Ok this time I have a serious idea this time.

btw Pheonix I like the idea with a skit on each mod.

*Hide and Seek*

*We see a CT standing still for about 15 seconds*

CT: God damnit this mod blows ass.

* Barrel runs by in the backround cuts quickly to next skit *

*Black screen with the words you spin me round in white letters*

CT: If you thought this was going to be one of those cliched pop song skits with us dancing around you're wrong. We have something a little more classy in store for you today.

*Cuts to two CT's both with crudely drawn derby hats and monociles standing together*

CT1: I say, what is the difference between president Bush's plan to withdraw from Iraq and a pile of dog excriment?

CT2: I don't know do tell.

CT1: Nothing ha ha ha ha

CT2: Oh........ So tell me the one about the two n.iggers in the whore house again

*quickly cuts back to original CT*

CT: ah fuck it

*The you spin me round song starts to play and the CT's and T's start to dance.

So what does everyone think?

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (berserk @ Aug 13 2007, 12:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Ok this time I have a serious idea this time.

btw Pheonix I like the idea with a skit on each mod.

*Hide and Seek*

*We see a CT standing still for about 15 seconds*

CT: God damnit this mod blows ass.

* Barrel runs by in the backround cuts quickly to next skit *

*Black screen with the words you spin me round in white letters*

CT: If you thought this was going to be one of those cliched pop song skits with us dancing around you're wrong. We have something a little more classy in store for you today.

*Cuts to two CT's both with crudely drawn derby hats and monociles standing together*

CT1: I say, what is the difference between president Bush's plan to withdraw from Iraq and a pile of dog excriment?

CT2: I don't know do tell.

CT1: Nothing ha ha ha ha

CT2: Oh........ So tell me the one about the two n.iggers in the whore house again

*quickly cuts back to original CT*

CT: ah fuck it

*The you spin me round song starts to play and the CT's and T's start to dance.

So what does everyone think?

Okay we can't do the n.iggers joke....

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Episode 2

Intro of some kind if we have one

---------on map where we left them---------

---Firing away, holding zombies at bay----

T: Oh man my hands are going numb, from all this shooting.

Ct: Me too man

T: I’m almost out of ammo

Ct: Oh that’s just great, I’ve only got one spare clip.

T: Sigh, who ya gonna call.

Ct: Oh not again

T: Yep


T: 1-800- Z is da 9

Ct: Oh MM GEE!!! Why why why!!!

T: Ok its ringing…ok extension 666

Ct: Hurry darn it!

Op: “Thank you for calling 1-800-Zombies, your one stop source for anything and everything about the vengeance of the undead. We are currently experiencing a high call volume and wait times may be longer than expected. Your call is very important to us. Please stay on the line and you will be connected to the next available representative.â€

T: What!!

Ct: what?

T: I got the hold message thing

Ct: well dial the extension again, fool

T: 666!!!

Op: For training purposes, this call may be recorded. Please stay on the line. Hello my name is Dan, my id number is 666. How may I help you today?

T: Yeah, we are umm screwed…

Op: Really?

T: Yeah, I’d joke about that….

Op: Ok ok, its been a long day, trying to lighten it up…

T: Ok so we are about out of ammo and the horde is converging on us!

Op: So you would like to use our supply services?

T: Supply services, wait wait, we can buy stuff from you?

Op: Yep, and you even get instant air delivery of the product

T: Oh then what do you have?

Op: Well, lets start simple there cowboy… how about a case of zombie repellant?

T: This isn’t that crap I see them selling at 2am is it?

Op: No no, this is much much better, we sell it at 1am

T: ………..

Op: Well it works, comes in a case of 24, shall I put this on your credit card?

T: Yeah sure, kill now pay later baby!

Op: Ok air delivery should be there real soon, just read the directions and enjoy. I will stay on the line to confirm delivery.

---------Sound of an airplane and then a pile of grenades next to them------

T: Hmmm…….. these just look like smoke grenades.

Op: The have zombie repellant in them

T: urmm… fine whatever, bye.

Ct: so??

T: This is it, lets try em

--------Each throw a smoke nade------

----------Area clouds up----------

Ct: Cough Cough, well they certainly smell bad

T: Yeah, I can’t see anyzombies

Ct: Man I can’t even see my hand

T: OUCH!!!!!!!1

Ct: What?

T: Jerk, that was my toe!

Ct: Come on man, I can’t see a darn thing

T: Ok its clearing up

Ct: So did it work?

T: Not sure…

Ct: Oh that’s bs

T: what?

Ct: Look, they are all still standing there!

T: Great, now what…oh crap

Ct: What?

T: B B B Behind you

----------Turns around to see zom standing up on their high ground------


--------Gunfire----------Zom flies off---------

Ct: Whew…um ok that didn’t work

T: Already redialing…

Op: Hello my name is Dan, my id number is 666. How may I help you today?

T: Its me

Op: Oh hi, how’d it go?

T: Bad

Ct: Bad, its an atrocity man, what a ripoff

Op: Ok, well lets try the next level up

T: What? There’s another level? Why the heck didn’t you tell me that before?

Op: Well….your credit score is kinda low

T: Oh I was 1 day late on an Terrorist Express Card payment and its gonna ruin my life?

Op: Well no, ok Level 2 is on its way now

T: Yeah great, maybe this one will only sort of suck

Op: Don’t forget to read the directions

T: Yeah Yeah

------------pile of nades fall--------

T: Ok its here…oh come on more nades?

Op: yep try em

T: Dude these better not be some more bs

Op: Well they are H E

T: Huh?

Op: H E for High Explosive, you know big boom?

T: Man, I’m a terrorist, I invented big boom jerkoff

Op: Well enjoy em, nice day and all

T: yeah bye

------T and Ct pick up nade, look at each other and throw-----


T: Yeah baby, they worked look at that, knocked em way back

Ct: Oh yeah fly bitch fly

T: Oh here they come again

Ct: Boom baby!

T: Yehaw!

Ct: yehaw?

T: yeah what?

Ct: wth?

T: what I can’t say yehaw?

Ct: What are you a terrorist from texas?

T: um…no, but, aw screw it

Ct: hmmm… they aren’t dying

T: almost out of these things, not a single dead one….crap


Op: Hello my name is Dan, my id number is 666. How may I help y………

T: Darn it dan! They aren’t dying

Op: Well its Zombie Repellant

T: And?

Op: It repels them, it doesn’t kill them

T: Fan Friggin Tastic!

Op: So you want them dead?

T: No, I want to hug and kiss them, of course I want them friggin dead!!

Op: Well, guess its time for Level 3, the best of the best

T: Now that’s what I’m talking about!

Op: Yes well, we are going to need another credit card…

T: Why?

Op: well you are at your limit on the other one

T: Oh erm, ok lets try this card then, only thing I buy on this one is my por…n Cough, puppy food

Op: yeah sure sir, ok that will do

T: Nice, so its coming now?

Op: Yes sir, may want to move aside though,,,

T: Why?

Op: It’s a big box sir

T: oh……..oh crap

------------shadow and falling sound, then box slams down---------


T: Yeah I was going to tell you to move

CT: well take your friggin time then!

T: Ok dan its here

Op: Now, I can’t stress this enough, watch the instructional dvd, it is very informative

T: Thanks Dan, bye

----------Knifing of box, box breaks, then, glorius ass kickly amazing looking gun comes into view (super awesome skin on some gun?)-----

Ct and T: YEAH BABY!!!

T: Think we should watch the DVD

Ct: eh, ok

------------view of screen with static-------------

T: oh man…

Ct: cheap walmart piece of crap dvd player

T: Wait,

Ct: What?

T: we have sound

Ct: ok guess we will watch with our ears then

DVD Narration: Thank you for purchasing the Vengeance Model 2007. Your weapon is both powerful and precise.

Ct: That’s bitchin!

DVD Narration: For your own safety please do not Point the V07 at yourself or any teammates as it may kill them. A laser sight and a scope are provided for your aiming pleasure. To aim simply look through the scope and look at the green laser dot and…shoot.

T: Oh dude look a green laser, that’s kickass!

DVD Narration: There are many controls on the V07, first and foremost are these located on top, they adjust the weapon fire rate and adjust for range. Also located on the top of the weapon are these buttons for selecting the grenade to be launched from the P2 launcher located on the bottom of the weapon.

T: Oh crap, which button is the grenade one..

DVD Narration: The selection of buttons on the right of the weapon control useful features such as the beacon and GPS locator as well as the built in loudspeaker. Also on the right hand side are the buttons for the on board satellite radio and cell phone.

CT: Oh man I hope it gets free nites and weekends!

T: Oh dude, its got my favorite top 20 channel!

DVD Narration: The left side of the weapon is home to the display indicating weapon temperature, ambient temperature, remaining ammo, predicted weather, as well as chance of survival. The buttons on the left side of the V07 include the safety, backup safety, power button, and circuit breaker. The bottom of the weapon contains only the trigger to the main rifle and the grenade launcher. To prevent jamming, these are not mechanical triggers, but instead buttons for comfort and longevity in even the harshest conditions.

Ct: Oh man, thing this thing gets MTV?

T: Oh dude, it think it says its gonna rain

DVD Narration: Lastly, is the self destruct button, it has been safely positioned on the weapon so that it is not pressed by mistake, hovever it looks very similar to many of the other buttons on this part of the weapon, so please note its location shown here very carefully…

T: Oh crap, please describe it, please describe it….

DVD Narration: Thank you for taking the time to review the safety and instructional video. Please be careful and enjoy your Vengeance Model 2007 super rifle!

Ct: oh this can’t be good.

T: Let’s try it!

---------They face the zooms, asskickingly amazing gun pointing at them-----

Ct: Ready?

T: Yeah, you?

Ct: Hell yeah

T: Ok here go…. Oh crap

Ct: Now what?

T: Which one of these is the trigger again?

----------button press noises with muffled curses on dimming screen--------------------

-------------fade to black and roll credits-------------------

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Linage @ Aug 14 2007, 02:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

maybe this could be the place where it shows the dude at tech support.


Yeah baby, i'm liking that command center look there.

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FYI, we just did principal filming of episode 1 tonight!!! Coming soon, the voice acting. Then editing and a kickass release party baby!

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We should make a movie about a soccer game. Terrorists vs. Counter Terrorists. There should be two commentators and one arctic avenger referree. We should make a funny game. The commentators will go crazy, the judge will yell at everyone, etc. In the end, both teams knife the referree and start knifing each other, the commentators go WTFWTFWTFWTOIJSODIFJOSDIJFOISDJ, and one team makes a goal, and the whole stadium is like OMGOMGOGMOGMGOMGOMGOGMOGOGMOMGOMG. So yea lol.

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T's Mine mine mine mine mine

Ct's WE need to stay away from the t's

Ct's ahhh t's

t's mine mine we kill them tonight


(girl)Zombie: DADDY IM HUNGRY

(woman)Zombie:SHut up!!


(woman)Zombie:LOLZ YOUR CRYING


~Zombies charge the cts and ts,a t throws a gernade and the zombie get thrown back and the cts shoot the zombies~

~the zombies leave but go get 15 more zombies~

~they chanrge them and kill them all~

~zombies eat but a huge bomb blows the zombies up~

~a man walk toward and hes a ct~



~T walks up and shoots the ct in the head~





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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (KillerHostage @ Aug 18 2007, 01:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>


T's Mine mine mine mine mine

Ct's WE need to stay away from the t's

Ct's ahhh t's

t's mine mine we kill them tonight


(girl)Zombie: DADDY IM HUNGRY

(woman)Zombie:SHut up!!


(woman)Zombie:LOLZ YOUR CRYING


~Zombies charge the cts and ts,a t throws a gernade and the zombie get thrown back and the cts shoot the zombies~

~the zombies leave but go get 15 more zombies~

~they chanrge them and kill them all~

~zombies eat but a huge bomb blows the zombies up~

~a man walk toward and hes a ct~



~T walks up and shoots the ct in the head~





Yea, thats gonna be funny if everything happens really fast.

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