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Does anyone follow format?

Those Guys

"plural of that" & "group of males"

We're just those guys that run all those CS:S servers that maintain a decent amount of connections at any given time.

I like things simple, not a fan of anything gaming related, or common/slightly nerdy synonyms of "group; organization," and I think its pretty catchy.

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Does anyone follow format?

Those Guys

"plural of that" & "group of males"

We're just those guys that run all those CS:S servers that maintain a decent amount of connections at any given time.

I like things simple, not a fan of anything gaming related, or common/slightly nerdy synonyms of "group; organization," and I think its pretty catchy.

We do incorporate females into our community in-case you did not know.

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We do incorporate females into our community in-case you did not know.

I never thought otherwise, I've just always heard and used "guys" as a mixed-gender term. Though I did just realize I copy and pasted the definition of "guys" off a dictionary website. My bad mate :o

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I still stand by my Synergy.

Synergy (from the Greek syn-ergos, συνεργός meaning working together) is the term used to describe a situation where different entities cooperate advantageously for a final outcome. Simply defined, it means that the whole is greater than the sum of the individual parts.

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I'll say it once and I'll say it again: The Parallax network/community/association/coalition/assembly/state/society/district/public/populace/group/network/nexus/core/league/clique/crowd/covey/consensus/ federation/fellowship

The Parallax District

The Parallax Network


The Parallax Core are my favorite variations.

Oh, The Parallax Consortium sounds cool too..

If you're like one of the few people who actually in all reality think parallax means laxatives you can go show your lack of intelligence somewhere else.

I'd throw more names out but people are always going to bitch so why bother

I dont think parallax means laxatives but i do know it's a reference to geometry when determining distance.... based on that... i dont understand it's use in the clan name? is there an alternate meaning? I have a strong math background so maybe im biased towards one definition.

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I dont think parallax means laxatives but i do know it's a reference to geometry when determining distance.... based on that... i dont understand it's use in the clan name? is there an alternate meaning? I have a strong math background so maybe im biased towards one definition.

Depth of meaning / Viewing things from different perspectives, which in retrospect the clan should probably do more of.

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Guest formerlyaeth


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