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Official Community Name Vote

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No, it's going down because the managers are doing, regardless what we want, the people in the community, whatever they want with the clan. IE changing the name when it's fine and not even bothering to make a poll. Then they are also promising a prize to whoever comes up with the best name so no one will go against the change. There's also the bullshit of claiming P2 created the clan and they want to rid of everything P2, when he actually did not make it. They just want sponsors.

/end rant...

I thought we realized this many a thread ago

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No, it's going down because the managers are doing, regardless what we want, the people in the community, whatever they want with the clan. IE changing the name when it's fine and not even bothering to make a poll. Then they are also promising a prize to whoever comes up with the best name so no one will go against the change. There's also the bullshit of claiming P2 created the clan and they want to rid of everything P2, when he actually did not make it. They just want sponsors.

/end rant...


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Look at that there.

Doesn't look like the negativity was snuffed by positivity.

Nope. Sure doesn't.

Looks like the managers are telling nay-sayers to shut the fuck up and deal with it.

I respect your opinion, but who are you and who are you to even be apart of this vote.

The only problem with this vote that I see, is that it should have been placed in the members to members section, so that people who would have a say actually deserve a say.

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I mean, it's not just that every manager in existence here is telling us that we're wrong for wanting a certain way and that they have complete control and that a community has no real say in the entire matter, but they go and mock us. Sounds like a great foundation for a community to build upon, amirite or amirite?

I respect your opinion, but who are you and who are you to even be apart of this vote.

The only problem with this vote that I see, is that it should have been placed in the members to members section, so that people who would have a say actually deserve a say.

Ohhh, so because I've not yet been able to apply due to a stupid one-week-only rule, I should have no say in a community that I had hope in and that I had hoped to be able to join the ranks of?

Sure, makes sense if you want to shut out the opinions of potential recruits and ignore the fact that your argument is failing and that you now result to "oh you don't matter, anyway."

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Possibly, but I'd rather not waste the account on the high chance that it WOULD result in ban.

And the first thread had more of it, but it was quickly snuffed.

Obviously you don't even remember your own post.

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Obviously you don't even remember your own post.

Sure, go on a technicality of what I said in rage.

Go ahead and do that, but take a gander at the other two threads while you do it.

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Obviously you don't even remember your own post.

To what do I attribute this deliberate ass kissing?

I thought you were a cool kid pebbz. :(

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Guest some fag
Not saying you've ever done anything to the clan that's bad, because you haven't, at all.

But, the thing is, most of the members in the community (including me) have never been banned before. That's why you're on your last string.

Yeah, uh... You've been banned twice... As a matter of fact, one of those bannings is the exact reason why I was banned (1st legitimate "banning").

I've never harmed the clan in any way, nor has my "trolling" ever had any lasting effects.

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Sure, go on a technicality of what I said in rage.

Go ahead and do that, but take a gander at the other two threads while you do it.

You took my words and applied it to different threads. I've read both of them before you even mentioned them.

To what do I attribute this deliberate ass kissing?

It's my opinion? I find all the fuss over a name change stupid. All the accusations of dictators and all that crap even more dumb. This is a gaming community and people are trying to make it more than that. Sure, polls could have been added, but a general consent in a thread that has ELEVEN pages is just as good in my book.

When the issue is in their face, they start complaining and QQing. This, of course, only applies to the people that were here for the first thread.

The only problem I have is that I felt that this process should have been lengthened to a week so that everyone could have discussed it. I'm sure some people missed the first thread and were confuzzled with these new changes.

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And you fail to respond with a reason why the managers are being dictators and dickwads over a COMMUNITY that depends solely on the MEMBERS that attempt to give input.

Mind the language and "flaming."

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It seems most of you guys really have no faith in this community.

It is really disappointing.

I find it disappointing when a Manager says things like this.

If we didnt have faith in the community then why would everyone be posting like crazy?

We simply want a choice in the matter, not here are 5 names, pick one, because we are changing and thats final.

WTF is up with that?

I have been here for too long for it to go this way.

Shit needs to be taken into perspective, and thought out more.

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Guest Waffle
It seems most of you guys really have no faith in this community.

It is really disappointing.

Must I recap about three years of UV history? I will if I must.

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And you fail to respond with a reason why the managers are being dictators and dickwads over a COMMUNITY that depends solely on the MEMBERS that attempt to give input.

Mind the language and "flaming."

If you looked harder, then you would see that I did. The staff are saying that those had a chance to deny it, but the window is now closed. I felt that the timespan was short, so I'm not really in favor of it. But all those that were there for the first thread were thinking of names, ideas, etc and I didn't really see any opposition to the name change.

The only problem I have is that I felt that this process should have been lengthened to a week so that everyone could have discussed it. I'm sure some people missed the first thread and were confuzzled with these new changes.

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And you fail to respond with a reason why the managers are being dictators and dickwads over a COMMUNITY that depends solely on the MEMBERS that attempt to give input.

Mind the language and "flaming."

Just in the sake of your well being, I would suggest you re think some of the things you say before you find yourself crossing the line and being walked out of this communities door.

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Give me your warning or your one day ban, fine, I will accept it, because I know I've crossed a line, but I'm doing it for a reason.

Can YOU explain to me why this is being forced without any REAL, UNinterrupted discussion?

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I find it disappointing when a Manager says things like this.

If we didnt have faith in the community then why would everyone be posting like crazy?

We simply want a choice in the matter, not here are 5 names, pick one, because we are changing and thats final.

WTF is up with that?

I have been here for too long for it to go this way.

Shit needs to be taken into perspective, and thought out more.

It's more of the fact that everyone is saying left and right that UV is going down and the community is coming to an end.

It is not something I like to read, when so many people in this community have worked their ass off to make it what it is today.

There is so much coming in the future to make this community so much more greater, and it just hurts to see such things being said.

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Guest some fag

See Chaos? I'm not the only one that feels the way Poon does.

Despite the way Junzou wants to put it with changing the name simply because P2 has a PayPal names "Undead Vengeance Community", I don't see the point. Undead Vengeance is a well known name, a better choice than any of those currently in the vote, and it has some character. I personally see no reason to change it, but even if it were to be changed, the whole decision to change it should be held on a vote, not just the general notion of "people seem think to it's OK, so we're doing it".

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It seems most of you guys really have no faith in this community.

It is really disappointing.

At my eyes its not disappointing but the reality. The founder get kicked from his OWN community... You know what picture it give to undead vengeance... I guess thats why you change everything of it. I bought 2 servers and i re-opened an ancient clan. You know what: The founder and leader is the same. Thats only to show you that its not because someone make a move that need to change everything.

- Kriminal.Killer

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