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Help Desk Needed

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Well not really a help desk, but I think we need a stickied topic for each of the servers as to how to play the game. I had never even heard of Hide and Seek servers before I started coming to UV, and are still pretty clueless. I recently read a post about how to play and whatnot, but its still clear as mud. People mentioned a cmd that you had to use to turn off your radar. I for one am just a bit tired of having to explain to people how to use rpgmenu in surf and which skills to select first, etc. Also, while not that hard to explain in concept, doing the zombie mod server a little might help. Each zombie server I've seen has its own little quirks (unlimited ammo, zombies respawn, zstuck, etc). Dont even know wtf's going on in war3, but I haven't really took the time to look around there. I think we need a How To Play in each section to explain to noobs, I guess like me, how to play. All the information probably already exists out there, and though a lot of it could be answered through asking questions and through expirience, it just would be nice to have a place to compile it all to save us noobs some time.

Thanks for considering.

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