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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (ShadySTD's @ May 17 2009, 09:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

It will not be legalized in the "Next" few years, I am kind of fed up with every ignorant person on here saying its natural, safer than cigs, and shit. I will say it plain and simple YOUR A DUMB ASS if you think that.

This is true and dont make this thred all fcked up with bullshit because I dont want that.

Now, pot I hate it! Ok it takes ur friends away and u lose brain cells u get alot of stuff from it thats bad.

so I want to know who smokes and who doesent dont make this another bullshit about arguments or anything because this is SERIOUS!!!!I lost many friends because of it and hate it.=( Also i have smoked it so dont try that eather

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (squirrlebait @ May 20 2009, 10:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

This is true and dont make this thred all fcked up with bullshit because I dont want that.

Now, pot I hate it! Ok it takes ur friends away and u lose brain cells u get alot of stuff from it thats bad.

so I want to know who smokes and who doesent dont make this another bullshit about arguments or anything because this is SERIOUS!!!!I lost many friends because of it and hate it.=( Also i have smoked it so dont try that eather

I never lost any friends nor any brains cells for that matter and I smoked a lot last year.

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Howard Dean @ May 20 2009, 09:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Nope, I too have lost many friends from it, im not gonna explain why I dont do it, or do not support it.

Same. But its even worse when you lose family to it.

And no, I never have and never will. I control my own life, and create my own fun. I don't need help from something that grows in the ground.

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (*DEAD* @ May 21 2009, 05:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Same. But its even worse when you lose family to it.

And no, I never have and never will. I control my own life, and create my own fun. I don't need help from something that grows in the ground.

Couldn't have said it better myself, i agree with you 100 percent, in fact i remember saying something very similar to this before.

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Cool, just don't call us ignorant for saying we smoke, and like it, when you ask our opinions of it. And fix your pole question/answers, they don't make sense. I personally don't care if people smoke or not, it's up to them, I will do as I please as I see fit with my life and I will not be called ignorant for having different beliefs than you guys. As for the pole, no, I do not personally smoke, but obviously I don't hold it against those that do. *DEAD* you said before you do other drugs, that's all I'm saying about that. Matter of fact, I'm going to go ahead and give up on this thread, cause I have been through this too many times since I've been here, much like you guys have, just on the other side of the fence usually.

It sucks you guys have managed to lose friends and family members to weed, I don't know what to tell you aside from you must mean "lost" as in they started smoking and you stopped hanging out with them, cause I doubt they OD'ed on it. Either that or they moved into bigger and badder things. Which can happen and does truly suck, I might not consider pot to be a full fledged stepping stone drug, but usually those that deal in pot get their hands sticky else where if times are rough and one thing leads to another sometimes.


EDIT: And squirrlebait, I agree with you in that people that abuse substances make it hard for me to be neutral about them using it. Such as alcohol and cigs, neither are horrible unless abused and it would seem that making it all illegal might help fix it, but who can really say? That's why I go with the free will thing, let them decide what they want to do and bitch slap them when they get out of line with it.

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Audiovox @ May 20 2009, 11:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Cool, just don't call us ignorant for saying we smoke, and like it, when you ask our opinions of it. And fix your pole question/answers, they don't make sense. I personally don't care if people smoke or not, it's up to them, I will do as I please as I see fit with my life and I will not be called ignorant for having different beliefs than you guys. As for the pole, no, I do not personally smoke, but obviously I don't hold it against those that do. *DEAD* you said before you do other drugs, that's all I'm saying about that. Matter of fact, I'm going to go ahead and give up on this thread, cause I have been through this too many times since I've been here, much like you guys have, just on the other side of the fence usually.

It sucks you guys have managed to lose friends and family members to weed, I don't know what to tell you aside from you must mean "lost" as in they started smoking and you stopped hanging out with them, cause I doubt they OD'ed on it. Either that or they moved into bigger and badder things. Which can happen and does truly suck, I might not consider pot to be a full fledged stepping stone drug, but usually those that deal in pot get their hands sticky else where if times are rough and one thing leads to another sometimes.


EDIT: And squirrlebait, I agree with you in that people that abuse substances make it hard for me to be neutral about them using it. Such as alcohol and cigs, neither are horrible unless abused and it would seem that making it all illegal might help fix it, but who can really say? That's why I go with the free will thing, let them decide what they want to do and bitch slap them when they get out of line with it.

I take prescription drugs. To calm my nerves. Its called Valium lol. And yes I know weed calms ones nerves, but now a days its just abused.

Anyways, you can go ahead and criticize what I said again if you want :P

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Nope that was a perfectly valid post, I will not belittle you for taking Valium, it is of your own free will, who am I to judge? I don't know your situation or how you came about it, and it is none of my business really. Weed is only a problem if you choose to abuse it, just like if you would choose to abuse Valium, it would become a problem. That is the only issue I've had with you guys so far, weed is like guns in that respect, it's only a horrible thing when handled wrong.


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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Audiovox @ May 20 2009, 11:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Nope that was a perfectly valid post, I will not belittle you for taking Valium, it is of your own free will, who am I to judge? I don't know your situation or how you came about it, and it is none of my business really. Weed is only a problem if you choose to abuse it, just like if you would choose to abuse Valium, it would become a problem. That is the only issue I've had with you guys so far, weed is like guns in that respect, it's only a horrible thing when handled wrong.


Now we found the understanding! :D

Sometimes I say things wrong the first 20 times before I say it right. That would be the reason why my post was all scattered with either saying the same stuff, or contradicting myself. Too many things come to mind at once and thats when the confusion comes in lol.

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Example of what I mean is in squirrel's post, he says he hates pot because it takes away friends and stuff, last time I checked pot is an inanimate object, I'm not trying to bash him for it or anything, I just do not like contradictions like that when he quotes a post calling us ignorant dumb asses. Btw, I un-give up on the thread because we seem to be reaching an agreement finally.


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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Audiovox @ May 21 2009, 12:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Example of what I mean is in squirrel's post, he says he hates pot because it takes away friends and stuff, last time I checked pot is an inanimate object, I'm not trying to bash him for it or anything, I just do not like contradictions like that when he quotes a post calling us ignorant dumb asses. Btw, I un-give up on the thread because we seem to be reaching an agreement finally.


One of the irritations about it is the legalizing topic about it. Because im afraid that if it was legalized. It would be smoked so much outside, and around kids that maybe our children would get high and it could get so bad to where no matter where you go, you might get a contact high. And that's basically forcing others to be high when they don't wanna be. but if it ever did get legalized, I hope our government will be smart enough to make it work out for the best and not mess up our community.

We actually want our children to get an education and idk if them having a contact high could ruin that.

And either way, if it was legalized there would be another group saying "make marijuana illegal" so its a back and forth thing im sure lol.

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All I have to say is Laws are made for issues the Government can't solve, or control. Its simply the easy way out. Marijuana gets too overblown, wether its legal or not, people will continue to smoke it, and not smoke it. So if it islegalized, I highly doubt anything fundamental will change other than the fact that people with be thinking more openly. Seriously its marijuana.....chill outz

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Poon @ May 21 2009, 12:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

All I have to say is Laws are made for issues the Government can't solve, or control. Its simply the easy way out. Marijuana gets too overblown, wether its legal or not, people will continue to smoke it, and not smoke it. So if it islegalized, I highly doubt anything fundamental will change other than the fact that people with be thinking more openly. Seriously its marijuana.....chill outz

DUDE! Everytime you post, all i can think about is how lucky that fucking banana is! :P

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I've posted 3 times saying you can only get a contact high if your in an enclosed space... please stop posting saying that you can get contact highs its not a valid point because its just not possible.

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Guest ShadySTDs

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Hairy_Nipon @ May 21 2009, 03:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

I've posted 3 times saying you can only get a contact high if your in an enclosed space... please stop posting saying that you can get contact highs its not a valid point because its just not possible.

How about you source it this time....

I will source how you can get a contact high and what it is!




I will await your scholarly sources Nipon!

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First of all, I'll say I smoke from time and again, so that should shed some light on where i am coming from.

Personally, I think marijuana should be legalized, but smoking rules should get stricter (e.g. you can't smoke on the side walk, anything including tobacco). While I do smoke pot, I hate more than anything else walking down a street and getting hit by a cloud of someone elses cigarette smoke (never smoked cigs and prob never will).

Also, I think there is a large amount of social benefit that can come from taxing the sale of marijuana, ranging from reducing the amount of weed that goes out to underage kids to nullifying the drug cartels and adding another revenue source to combat our increasing national debt.

Finally, I think one point should be emphasized: smoking pot is not always abusing pot. I smoke pot, I never abuse it. On the other hand, the worst experience of this year was an argument I had with the drug dealer / daily pot chimney who lives across from me. I agree you can lose friends from abusing pot (as with anything else like alcohol or even video games). By no means does that mean you can lose friends from just smoking from time to time. If a friend is willing to end a friendship over something like casually smoking on occasion, then how good of a friend are they?

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The reason I made this is because I might be loosing another person to it...he was smoking yesterday outside CHURCH of all things. We normaly hang out all that time but yesterday he ditched me to go smoke 2 times before and after church. He was also drinking and smoking cigs and cigars. That is the reason I posted this and why I dident want it to be another bullshit thred but still ppl dont listen and I cant smack them for it so whatever.

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (ShadySTD's @ May 21 2009, 12:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

How about you source it this time....

I will source how you can get a contact high and what it is!




I will await your scholarly sources Nipon!

You do realize the first one says contact highs are all in the mind right?

"However, this may be better explained by the subconscious picking up on the user's "vibe" and sociological factors."

Saying if someone is around someone who is high, they will feel high. The second one doesnt even give any specific information. How big was the area they had the subjects in? How long were they in there for? How much was smoked? The third one says

"size of the room or space you occupy, air circulation and quantity of smoke in the air, duration of time you are exposed and potency of the marijuana."

This doesnt sound like you can get a contact high because your neighbor next door is smoking in his back yard.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (squirrlebait @ May 21 2009, 05:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

The reason I made this is because I might be loosing another person to it...he was smoking yesterday outside CHURCH of all things. We normaly hang out all that time but yesterday he ditched me to go smoke 2 times before and after church. He was also drinking and smoking cigs and cigars. That is the reason I posted this and why I dident want it to be another bullshit thred but still ppl dont listen and I cant smack them for it so whatever.

Sounds like there are other contributing factors involved. Why not blame the alcohol? I find it funny that you say you're losing your friend to pot when he is drinking as well. Ive lost a lot of friends. Not to pot, but to alcohol. After they started to drink a lot they started to do coke. Then they just became assholes. So don't just point the finger at pot and say that is the sole reason you lost your friend. Consider all the contributing factors.

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Noire @ May 21 2009, 11:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

You do realize the first one says contact highs are all in the mind right?

"However, this may be better explained by the subconscious picking up on the user's "vibe" and sociological factors."

Saying if someone is around someone who is high, they will feel high. The second one doesnt even give any specific information. How big was the area they had the subjects in? How long were they in there for? How much was smoked? The third one says

"size of the room or space you occupy, air circulation and quantity of smoke in the air, duration of time you are exposed and potency of the marijuana."

This doesnt sound like you can get a contact high because your neighbor next door is smoking in his back yard.

He speaks truth.

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For those of you who can't keep a level head, I suggest you get the fuck out of this thread. Just because others want to discuss a habit in a way you disagree with doesn't mean you have to come in and try to convert every one of them. Just pretend this thread isn't here.

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I find more often than not when you "lose" friends to marijuana its because your too harsh on your friends. I don't want a friend that judges me and looks down on me for smoking pot is not a friend I really want.

Of course I don't know the situation some of you guys are in but I wouldn't want you to come with me to smoke and I don't think you would want to come with me to smoke. (if we were friends) You can still be someone's friend even if they smoke.

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