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WOW 182$ For A No Seat Belt Ticket

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Fohacidal @ May 3 2009, 11:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

This has to be the single most dumbest thing I have ever read on the internet. You sir are fucking retarded...

I seriously doubt anyone has died BECAUSE of their seat belt doing what it was supposed to. Anyone who tells you otherwise is just a propagandist against the establishment who believes the government wants to control our lives by limiting the number of deaths in car crashes. Seat belts saves a lot of lives everyday, and I personally can attest to this.

Really in the end you have to ask yourself, what the FUCK were you doing with the seatbelt off? If its uncomfortable there are several cheap workarounds to changing the strap position or comfort and not killing off any of the security. If you drive without a seatbelt your just a dumbass asking to get thrown from your windshield into another car at 40mph

I agree with you on wearing a seat belt. But there has been many occasions where doctors have told families "if he didnt wear the seat belt, he would of survived". I believe this happens during cars being in water or something like that. I guess id have to research a few incidents where this has happened. But overall, a seat belt saves more lives rather than kills.

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Guest Fohacidal

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (*DEAD* @ May 4 2009, 01:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

I agree with you on wearing a seat belt. But there has been many occasions where doctors have told families "if he didnt wear the seat belt, he would of survived". I believe this happens during cars being in water or something like that. I guess id have to research a few incidents where this has happened. But overall, a seat belt saves more lives rather than kills.

Im calling bullshit, its just urban myth that seat belts kill you faster if you crash in water

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Fohacidal @ May 4 2009, 02:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Im calling bullshit, its just urban myth that seat belts kill you faster if you crash in water

Dont quote me on the water thing lol. Thats what I thought. Idk. You'd have to ask around because there were people who have said that to me where the doctors told them that.

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Lol Foh you sir are funny. My father and his brother were driving home from school one day in my dads mustang and they spun out of control (it was snowing) and went off a cliff the seat belt literally cut my uncle in half killing him instantly he would have survived had it not been for the seat belt.

Also if you crash and go underwater you're going to be panicking and it will be really hard to take a seat-belt off so yes it is easier to drowned with a seat-belt on.

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Guest Fohacidal

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (4 Str 4 Stam Leather Belt @ May 5 2009, 03:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Lol Foh you sir are funny. My father and his brother were driving home from school one day in my dads mustang and they spun out of control (it was snowing) and went off a cliff the seat belt literally cut my uncle in half killing him instantly he would have survived had it not been for the seat belt.

Also if you crash and go underwater you're going to be panicking and it will be really hard to take a seat-belt off so yes it is easier to drowned with a seat-belt on.

Calling bullshit as well, for a crash to have enough velocity, momentum and ferocity to actually cut someone in half (assuming they are in a much older car or have no idea how to get both the hip AND chest straps around them OR have the weakest hip bone on planet earth) it wouldnt have been survivable in the first place. Even then, the person would have to be hitting an object at over 150mph with that object MATCHING their speed for the DISTRIBUTED force along the seatbelt to cause enough pressure to kill you.

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Ok Foh give me a little bit and I will ask my father for the articles on the crash and I will post it and I hope to god I never meet you in real life cause I will show you just how deadly a seat-belt can be.

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Guest Fohacidal

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (4 Str 4 Stam Leather Belt @ May 5 2009, 04:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Ok Foh give me a little bit and I will ask my father for the articles on the crash and I will post it and I hope to god I never meet you in real life cause I will show you just how deadly a seat-belt can be.

Bring it on tough guy, and you better watch your fucking back if thats a threat...

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div>

MYTH: Drivers in air-bag-equipped vehicles don't need to wear safety belts.

FACT: Air bags provide supplemental protection in frontal crashes, but motorists can slide under them if they are not wearing a seat belt. In addition, air bags will not help in a side or rear impact or rollover crash. Motorists should wear a seat belt for protection in all types of crashes.

MYTH: A seat belt will trap me if my car is on fire or underwater.

FACT: Crashes involving fire or water happen in only one half of one percent of crashes. So it doesn't happen often. However, when they do occur the best chance of survival rests in remaining conscious, uninjured, and in full possession of your faculties. The greatest danger is with the impact that precedes the fire or submersion in water. If you're not using a safety belt, it's very likely that you will be knocked unconscious or severely injured. If you're belted, it's very likely you will be able to unbuckle yourself and get out of a potential fire or submerged car situation.

MYTH: A seat belt will prevent me from being safely thrown clear in a crash.

FACT: Being safely thrown clear in a crash is almost impossible. When you're thrown, you may be thrown through the windshield, scraped along the pavement, or even crushed by your own vehicle or another one. The idea of being thrown from a car and gently landing in a grassy area beside the road is pure fantasy. Your best bet in a crash is to stay inside the vehicle, securely held by your safety belt.

MYTH: Belts can hurt you in a crash.

FACT: Properly worn safety belts seldom cause injuries. If they do, the injuries are usually surface bruises and are generally less severe than would have been the case without any belt. Without the belts, you could probably have been thrown out of the vehicle and been injured severely. It is true that sometimes the force of a crash is so great that nothing could have prevented injuries. Studies have consistently shown that injuries in most serious crashes would have been much more severe had safety belts not been worn.

MYTH: The chance that I'll have an accident is so small — those things only happen to other people.

FACT: This is an attitude that is universal to everything we do. It's comfortable to think that accidents only happen to other people. However, one out of three people will be seriously injured in a car crash sometime during their lives. This is really a significant risk. We never know when it will occur or how it will occur. The answer — buckle up every time on every trip.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div>

umm, no offense but after working as a volunteer firefighter for few years I have never seen this happen in an old or new car...and i've seen some pretty nasty crashes. The only way I could imagine it happening is in a crash involving extremely excessive speeds in which you'd probably be killed anyway in a non full frame car with crush zones. In most SUV flipping accidents, the occupants are seriously injured/killed as a direct result from not wearing seatbelts. I know a lot of people like to fight authority or prove establishment wrong, but don't kid yourself. In most accidents on public roadways seatbelts are your friend. If your doing 130 and hit a tree, you may get cut in half by your seatbelt but any one of a million other things would have killed you anyway. Too many people get scraped off the ground everyday for not wearing seatbelts. People spreading BS about them not being safe doesn't help save anyone.

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Guest Fohacidal

Malfunctioning seatbelts dont count

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Fohacidal @ May 5 2009, 08:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Malfunctioning seatbelts dont count

Yes they do. Because all seat belts can malfunction... Even if its a brand new car.

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Guest Fohacidal

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (*DEAD* @ May 5 2009, 08:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Yes they do. Because all seat belts can malfunction... Even if its a brand new car.

Not really no, I bet you malfunctioning seatbelts account for even less deaths then that of cars crashing into water...

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Fohacidal @ May 5 2009, 09:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Not really no, I bet you malfunctioning seatbelts account for even less deaths then that of cars crashing into water...

Dude why do you keep acting like were saying they always kill someone or they always cause injuries? Its VERY rare. And not all malfunctioning belts kill or injure someone as well. Its like you never want to be wrong. Like you always want to be right. Nobody is trying to make a contest outta this.


http://www.buckleupnc.org/laws_belts_questions.cfm Scroll down and read the injuries part.

Now lets please get back to topic, we arent getting anywhere by arguing if they can hurt someone or not. We provided valid proof.

But $182 for a seat belt ticket is retarded. Sorry for your loss, hope you can keep your cash.

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Guest Fohacidal

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (*DEAD* @ May 4 2009, 01:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

I agree with you on wearing a seat belt. But there has been many occasions where doctors have told families "if he didnt wear the seat belt, he would of survived". I believe this happens during cars being in water or something like that. I guess id have to research a few incidents where this has happened. But overall, a seat belt saves more lives rather than kills.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (*DEAD* @ May 5 2009, 10:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Dude why do you keep acting like were saying they always kill someone or they always cause injuries? Its VERY rare. And not all malfunctioning belts kill or injure someone as well. Its like you never want to be wrong. Like you always want to be right. Nobody is trying to make a contest outta this.


http://www.buckleupnc.org/laws_belts_questions.cfm Scroll down and read the injuries part.

Now lets please get back to topic, we arent getting anywhere by arguing if they can hurt someone or not. We provided valid proof.

But $182 for a seat belt ticket is retarded. Sorry for your loss, hope you can keep your cash.

Are you just pretending to be ignorant of what you said. I never once denied seatbelts cause injuries, thats a fact and a sacrifice people have to make for their life, but what I cant tolerate is you contradicting yourself on the same page of the same god damn topic.

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Fohacidal @ May 5 2009, 11:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Are you just pretending to be ignorant of what you said. I never once denied seatbelts cause injuries, thats a fact and a sacrifice people have to make for their life, but what I cant tolerate is you contradicting yourself on the same page of the same god damn topic.

How is that contradicting what I say? There has been occasions where people were told if it werent for the seat belt they would of survived. It doesnt happen as much as you think. But it happens. What i was saying in the second one you quoted was that you act like we keep saying they will ALWAYS kill someone when we only said there has been occasions. Maybe the word "many" confused you. But many doesnt mean a lot. If i was referring to a lot I would of said "there has been loads of occasions where doctors have told families "if he didnt wear a seat belt, he would of survived"". Idk how else I have to explain it to help you understand what im saying. You keep getting defensive over what me and star were saying, and then you told him to watch his back when he wasnt even trying to start anything... And you telling someone that its a lie about how their uncle died is very ignorant on your behalf. Nobody is trying to argue with you but you continuously try to pick an argument. Thats what I saw ever since you quoted my post about seat belt deaths. Just lay off man.

Oh and just for clarification. I am not in no way trying to say "do not wear your seat belt". I encourage the use of a seat belt. And before I even put my car in Drive I ask if everybody has their seat belt on.

EDIT: If you want I can edit all my post and break it down for you if that helps... Ill use quotes, bold, italic, and even colors just to help you if you really want.

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Sounds like he would have died without his seat belt on if he was going that fast. Flying through the windshield is pretty deadly.

On another note, my cousin's best friend during christmas died in a car accident. The Seat actually tore right out and he flew through the window. He had his seatbelt on, but it didnt matter. So I guess the seats in the car are just as deadly >:(

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Guest Fohacidal

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (*DEAD* @ May 6 2009, 12:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Maybe the word "many" confused you. But many doesnt mean a lot. If i was referring to a lot I would of said "there has been loads of occasions where doctors have told families "if he didnt wear a seat belt, he would of survived"".


   /ˈmɛni/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [men-ee] Show IPA adjective, more, most, noun, pronoun


1. constituting or forming a large number; numerous: many people.

2. noting each one of a large number (usually fol. by a or an): For many a day it rained.


3. a large or considerable number of persons or things: A good many of the beggars were blind.

4. the many, the greater part of humankind.


5. many persons or things: Many of the beggars were blind. Many were unable to attend.

How the FUCK does "many" not mean a lot dipshit?

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Guest some fag

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Fohacidal @ May 4 2009, 02:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Im calling bullshit, its just urban myth that seat belts kill you faster if you crash in water

My dad's 1968 Buick Skylark was t-boned at an intersection by a drunk running a red light in an F-150 (years and years ago). If my dad had been wearing his seat belt, he would have died. Why? Because he wouldn't have been able to move fast enough to avoid being crushed. My dad was able to jump out of his seat and into the passenger side of the rear seat. I believe in wearing seat belts, but there most certainly ARE cases where the seat belt can be a bad thing.

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Mr Clickerson @ May 6 2009, 03:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

My dad's 1968 Buick Skylark was t-boned at an intersection by a drunk running a red light in an F-150 (years and years ago). If my dad had been wearing his seat belt, he would have died. Why? Because he wouldn't have been able to move fast enough to avoid being crushed. My dad was able to jump out of his seat and into the passenger side of the rear seat. I believe in wearing seat belts, but there most certainly ARE cases where the seat belt can be a bad thing.

Please quote me where I say seat belts are the definitive life saver in every car crash and that in not wearing one you seal your death. Also your dad must have amazing reflexes to notice someone running a red light fast enough to jump to the other side of the car, only slightly believable because If I remember they didnt have a middle console thing a majiger

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Fohacidal @ May 6 2009, 03:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Please quote me where I say seat belts are the definitive life saver in every car crash and that in not wearing one you seal your death. Also your dad must have amazing reflexes to notice someone running a red light fast enough to jump to the other side of the car, only slightly believable because If I remember they didnt have a middle console thing a majiger

If you noticed a truck barreling at you through a large intersection, what would you do? Sit there? Cover your face with your hands and scream like Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone? No, you would probably jump away.

Many lives are lost due to seat belts. Many lives could have been saved if those select people hadn't warn their seatbelt. Many, many, many... That doesn't mean MOST.

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Guest Fohacidal

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Mr Clickerson @ May 6 2009, 03:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

If you noticed a truck barreling at you through a large intersection, what would you do? Sit there? Cover your face with your hands and scream like Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone? No, you would probably jump away.

Many lives are lost due to seat belts. Many lives could have been saved if those select people hadn't warn their seatbelt. Many, many, many... That doesn't mean MOST.

Many is an over generalization to allow vagueness in ones post, if you want to say FEW or A LOT then say FEW or A LOT.

Also not all people know how or when to react when a situation approaches themselves, your dad was just ready. Stick a normal 25 year old blonde bimbo in there and with or without the seatbelt she will get raped.

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My overall perspective of you FOH is that you're a fucking moron who doesn't believe anything unless it happens to him in real life. Just stop posting on my thread you've already made youself look like more of an ass than anyone can in a lifetime.

As for what happened my dad had a 1967 Mustang (not shelby) but with lap seats him and his brother were coming home from school and they slid out and went off the cliff and landed on a highway the force of the impact due to landing from hella high up (don't know exactly) from the fall caused the seat belt to rip open my uncle pretty much severing him I still don't understand how my dad survived the crash neither does he. He doesn't really like to talk about it much as they were pretty young I believe my dad was 16 maybe 15 and his brother was 13

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Why are you getting upset at Foh? Seems like you guys are taking the issue WAY too personally. So it has happened to you. Does that mean it happens a lot? Just think of the time it happened with your dad. How long has it been since that happened? How many other people do you know that have gone through the same situation. If the risk was high, or even moderate, then more people a year would be dying from seatbelts. The fact that you guys get upset because foh is pretty much saying its a rare occurance just seems to me like you are getting way too defensive about provening your point. Sure it has happened to you, well not you technially but someone you know, but that doesnt mean it still happens a lot. Take into consideration that seatbelts now are a lot different then the seat belts in 1967 mustangs. Technology has come a long way in terms of safety. I mean most of these stories you guys are talking about seem to be really really old stories. Again, if it happened more frequently I'm sure you would know SEVERAL people that have died from seat belts.

With the case about your dad zeus (i think that's who you are), some people would have prevented the crash all together by noticing that the car approaching the intersection was not slowing down. I dont understand how your dad saw it coming then moved to the passenger seat when he could have either not enter the intersection, or speed up/stop to prevent him from being hit. Moving to the passenger seat still takes time. Unless he completely ran it when people were already crossing, but still you would see the car approaching at a fast speed (if it wasn't fast then it wouldn't have been a fatal accident.

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