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A joke... out of boredom

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It's raining buckets and there is a hitch hiker on the side of the road. He holds his thumb out as he walks hoping someone will stop and rescue him from the storm. A little while later a car stops beside him and he eagerly gets in. He looks over to thank the driver and his jaw drops. No one is in the car! The car starts rolling forward and the man is paralyzed. The car comes up to a curve and just as the car looks like it's going to crash a hand reaches in through the window and turns the steering wheel. At this point the hitch hiker has pretty much shit his pants. Time and time again a hand appears through the window and turns the wheel when the car comes up to a curve. Thinking he has gone crazy the hitch hiker jumps out and makes a break for the next exit.

The hitch hiker runs into the local bar and after a couple minutes beings to sob hysterically at counter. The bartender and people around him realize that the man isn't drunk. He is hysterically crying and everyone listens in awe to his story about the magical hand and haunted car. About 30 minutes later a man comes in with his friend and yells, "HEY THERE'S THAT FUCKER WHO JUMPED INTO THE CAR WHILE WE WERE PUSHING IT!"

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I left my car in a car park the other day, when I came back to it the bumper and rear lights were all smashed up. Then I found this note under the wiper. It said:

I just accidentally reversed into your car.

Quite a few people saw me do it.

They think I'm leaving my name and details.

Well, I'm not.

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