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Guest NeverEndingXsin


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Guest NeverEndingXsin

so lately ive heard a few people talk about 'walling' on the WCS2 server. and im just confused about what exactly that is? can anybody tell me what it is?

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Walling - aka "Wallhacking" - is pretty self-explanatory. It's, quite simply put, the ability to see targets through walls.

The most common are Wireframes (Only on servers with sv_cheats 1)

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="7Se8nhMHbwA"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Se8nhMHbwA" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Modified wall textures.

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="t41y7iJzU0k"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t41y7iJzU0k" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

And 3rd party wallhacks. Jump to about 1 minute in the next video.

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="4Q4Z5edjCyo"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Q4Z5edjCyo" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

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Guest NeverEndingXsin

oh okay thanks. i figured it was some sort of hacking/cheating. but i wasnt positive. thanks again

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Walling is also a term used to describe shooting someone through a wall, inherently not a hacking term.

It was a lot more prominent in 1.6 where almost every wall was permeable for all rifles, mgun and the deagle, a wall not being a measure of thickness but one single object from one end to another.

Maps were made to prove this, rifles could penetrate 2 walls (or maybe just the awp?), no matter what the thickness was.

Similarly, a long box that is one continuous box, you can fire all the way through it, regardless of the length, as long as there was no single break in the object (such that it was two long boxes).

Walling is generally really easy to do in relation to places people commonly camp. You can spray the house in Italy and get kills simply with spraying. Especially the lower floors, since the front "doorway" is a long hallway, if anyone is in there (more fun if there's a bunch), m249 spray and pray is 100 rounds to just pummel anyone in there with.

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Prinny @ Jan 28 2009, 08:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Walling is also a term used to describe shooting someone through a wall, inherently not a hacking term.

It was a lot more prominent in 1.6 where almost every wall was permeable for all rifles, mgun and the deagle, a wall not being a measure of thickness but one single object from one end to another.

Maps were made to prove this, rifles could penetrate 2 walls (or maybe just the awp?), no matter what the thickness was.

Similarly, a long box that is one continuous box, you can fire all the way through it, regardless of the length, as long as there was no single break in the object (such that it was two long boxes).

Walling is generally really easy to do in relation to places people commonly camp. You can spray the house in Italy and get kills simply with spraying. Especially the lower floors, since the front "doorway" is a long hallway, if anyone is in there (more fun if there's a bunch), m249 spray and pray is 100 rounds to just pummel anyone in there with.

Walling and wallbanging are completely different things... You have just described wallbanging.

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Guest NeverEndingXsin

ahhhh that helps alot. yeah people were accusing me of walling on icewerk yesterday in WCS#2 when really i just know where to look for campers. like when your on CT and you run through bomb site A and out through the garage door and you turn right and people are behind those sand bag things. i get accused of walling because i know where to look for T's when they sit outside camping all game.

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Sandman @ Jan 28 2009, 11:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Walling and wallbanging are completely different things... You have just described wallbanging.

Yeah, walling is a precise operation. Wallbanging is spraying n00b camping spots.

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They're both correct terms for Walling.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE ("Urban Dictionary")</div>

1. walling 13 up, 8 down love ithate it

Using a wall hack in an online game. Almost always illegal and will get the player banned from the server.

d00d taht gey n00b haxor bitch is walling. im callin teh admin

by Wile E. Ferret2 Aug 11, 2005 share this add comment

2. Walling 2 up, 5 down love ithate it

Shooting through a wall in an FPS to get a kill is sometimes called walling.

Getting killed by walling is to be walled.

A player is hiding behind a wall, waiting for his enemy to come around the corner so he can be killed. The other player knows he is waiting for him and so sprays the wall, killing the player. This is called walling.

walling wall fps walled game shooting

by Chris Driol May 6, 2008 share this 1 comment

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I've never once in my life heard of this wallbanging term.

I used to wall people constantly, SANS HACKS, in 1.6 and earlier and it was never ever termed as this @_@

Anyone who died through a wall stated that they were walled, the person did it walled them. It was equivocated to include wall hacks, but I've never once heard of this wallbanging shit.

brb gonna go inkdrop after a wavedash.

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Guest NeverEndingXsin

ive never heard of wallbanging either. i just hear about walling a lot. i guess since up until the UV servers i hadnt played CS much so i lost track of what all these terms ment lol

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Well, I didn't play CSS much since it came out up until now, so it may have evolved the retarded term, but in 1.6 walling was generally the term for shooting people through walls or hacking, though it was generally specified that it was hacking...

I can see another term being made because of equivocation but... but... wall banging? D:

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This is wallbanging. It is also walling. It is NOT wallhacking.

As I said, two terms for the same thing.

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="ukoBdNObSIA&NR=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukoBdNObSIA&NR=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

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Guest NeverEndingXsin

nice video llethander

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CS existed for four years in final stage before HL2 was even released, it'd be weird if CSS was the origin...

Though, I suppose, the influx of new players to the franchise were bound to shit out stupid terminology.

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for the sake of not sounding completly and utterly retarded just use walled/walling

the term wallbang is on par in retardedness with the whole toon thing used in wow it's so fucking retarded it's always been called an alt or main char

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (-=kiva=- @ Feb 11 2009, 12:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

the term wallbang is on par in retardedness with the whole toon thing used in wow it's so fucking retarded it's always been called an alt or main char

Not true?

Most of WoW's terms come from EQ

"Woot" "Twink" and "Toon" would be three

But there's a shit ton more

when I use to play I would say "I'll get on my other toon"

90% of the people who use the term twink don't even know where it is originated from which makes it that much better =)

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (JDDZip @ Feb 11 2009, 12:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Not true?

Most of WoW's terms come from EQ

"Woot" "Twink" and "Toon" would be three

But there's a shit ton more

when I use to play I would say "I'll get on my other toon"

90% of the people who use the term twink don't even know where it is originated from which makes it that much better =)

woot is general gaming terminology that has fallen out of mainstream @_@

I still don't know where twink originated from, but it's not a reference to another character, it's a reference to a character that has been decked out in equipment otherwise unavailable to a new player, also used as a verb to describe the process of "twinking" a character.

But, toon has been retarded even before WoW, and was retarded in EQ, just as retarded as people saying they're "a druid of the 54th season" instead of just fucking saying level 54

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Guest Old Gregg

I recommend that you go to urbandictionary and look up twink. ;)

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If you wanna get on a toon go play toon town. Other wise its a Character, an Alt, or an Avatar.

People who say toon die instantly when I'm around.

I played FFXI for almost 8 years and no one ever called their character anything but Character, Alt, Avatar, or maybe Adventurer(The term given to characters by the developers SE)

For one the characters in FFXI don't even look cartoonish at all. (Well except maybe the Tarutaru) and two it sounds fucking stupid.


The one term that did come over to FFXI from EQ that I really hate is Ding. For one you don't "Ding" in FFXI you Fan Fare. "Da da da DA da Dun Dah Dun!" and have a huge explosion on your screen saying Level up. Or you can get this really depressing "Durrrrnnnn" when you die. With the same huge explosion saying "Level Down!"

And don't get me started on the term "Down Dinging" cuz that sounds like a term for some kinky foot sex or something.

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Mithra Panties @ Feb 11 2009, 05:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

If you wanna get on a toon go play toon town. Other wise its a Character, an Alt, or an Avatar.

People who say toon die instantly when I'm around.

I played FFXI for almost 8 years and no one ever called their character anything but Character, Alt, Avatar, or maybe Adventurer(The term given to characters by the developers SE)

For one the characters in FFXI don't even look cartoonish at all. (Well except maybe the Tarutaru) and two it sounds fucking stupid.


The one term that did come over to FFXI from EQ that I really hate is Ding. For one you don't "Ding" in FFXI you Fan Fare. "Da da da DA da Dun Dah Dun!" and have a huge explosion on your screen saying Level up. Or you can get this really depressing "Durrrrnnnn" when you die. With the same huge explosion saying "Level Down!"

And don't get me started on the term "Down Dinging" cuz that sounds like a term for some kinky foot sex or something.

WoW is a fucking cartoony game

Hence why I would say "toon" or "alt" sometimes

To be honest I never had a second character(Played druid for 3 years baby) so I never really said it. But if you take a break from WoW, and come back, it's reaaaaaaaaaaly cartoony so I didn't have a problem saying it.

I will admit I use to say ding when I played WoW since I played EQ as well, but I never heard someone say "Down dinging" you would just say "FUCK I GOT DELEVELED" or something along that

I will also sadly admit when I started playing WoW and people were drinking the water for mana I said I was medding(aka to meditate, aka how you got mana back in EQ by sitting down <_<)

But I thought the entire real definition of twink before it was known in EQ(there was no level requirements, some gear had low regen at high levels, but at low levels was insane and weps etc) and people were like "wtf" and started calling them fags or "twinks" =P

And it stuck

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