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God of war 3 and uncharted 2 anyone?

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Alright, so I check gaming blogs daily to see what's going to be new on my PS3 that is currently collecting dust. Today I uncovered a decent looking God of war 3 trailer and awesome Uncharted 2 trailer+Screenshots!

Enjoy :D

Uncharted 2:



God of war 3:


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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (hotmayo @ Dec 15 2008, 09:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Yeah I saw a trailer for this game last night on The Video Game Awards.

its bull that GTA IV won game of the year, but thats a rant for another time...

as for these 2 games, im not a fan whatsoever of either of them, but they look intense as far as new upcoming games

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Fohacidal @ Dec 15 2008, 10:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

GTAIV shouldnt have won...

No GTA game should ever win. I've yet to play an entire one through (because shit gets boring), but I haven't played IV, so maybe it will be the lucky one.

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You can't blame GTA4 from winning, It had graphic technology in it thats never been in any game before. The animations were far advanced from anything else ever seen in a game. (The Drunk Scenes with freeform animations that are not predesignated) And had some bastardly fun as fuck online. GTA RACE is fun as fuck. Especially in Seeing Stars Because all anyone does i grab busses and block the path and shoot people up.

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Mithra Panties @ Dec 16 2008, 05:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

You can't blame GTA4 from winning, It had graphic technology in it thats never been in any game before. The animations were far advanced from anything else ever seen in a game. (The Drunk Scenes with freeform animations that are not predesignated) And had some bastardly fun as fuck online. GTA RACE is fun as fuck. Especially in Seeing Stars Because all anyone does i grab busses and block the path and shoot people up.

Exactly people are idiots, all previous GTA games had bad graphics and bad physics, now they come out of nowhere with graphics and physics that nobody has ever seen before in a video game, fuck everyone who is too blind to see that this game is ahead of every motherfuckin game to come out this year and before that.

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Guest Fohacidal

Graphics are still mediocre compared to tons of games available at the time and before its release. The Euphoria physics engine was used and has been used in other games other then GTAIV so it isnt new and this game is lacking so many features while adding a few useless ones. For example, how can a game with only 3 clothes shops, 2 of which were the same, deserve a GOTY award? If anything it should have gone to MGS4 for redefining the cinematic aspect of a game while combining excellent graphics, storyline and an immersive musical score to boot (and dont forget to add in the multiplayer is just as fun and competitive, if not customizable as well...

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MGS4 was a movie with small interactive scenes. Not a video game with small movies to advance the story. That is why it didn't win GOTY

Theres more cinematography then videogamography.

I'm not saying MGS4 wasn't good, hell, I cried when I finished it. But I beat it in less then a day and couldn't get into the multiplayer. Which technically is its own game and doesn't really go with MGS4.

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I think that maybe a better choice could have been made for game of the year, but honestly it doesn't matter to me either way. Metal gear solid 4 and GTA4 were both enjoyable games that will go down as two of the best games of 2008.

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The game I enjoyed the most in 08 was Fallout 3. Fable 2 was ok, but again like MGS4, I beat the main story in less the a day and was kinda upset with how easy it was.

I think one of the major reasons GTA4 won over MGS4 or Fable 2, or any of the other good games was the fact that GTA4 was on both the Xbox360, PS3, and now PC. More people played it, more people enjoyed it, and in the long run more people voted for it in what ever process spike has for their shitty Video Game Award ceremony. Which is more like a avenue for celebrities to say "Hey we play games too" most of them not really being gamers, and just pandering to the hardcore gaming crowd to earn more fans.

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Fohacidal @ Dec 16 2008, 07:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Graphics are still mediocre compared to tons of games available at the time and before its release. The Euphoria physics engine was used and has been used in other games other then GTAIV so it isnt new and this game is lacking so many features while adding a few useless ones. For example, how can a game with only 3 clothes shops, 2 of which were the same, deserve a GOTY award? If anything it should have gone to MGS4 for redefining the cinematic aspect of a game while combining excellent graphics, storyline and an immersive musical score to boot (and dont forget to add in the multiplayer is just as fun and competitive, if not customizable as well...

I don't understand how you can say the graphics are mediocre, i still play snes games and old games, so i don't really care about graphics, however i am smart enough to see what looks good for it's generation, and GTA 4 does just that, this is an entire city we are talking about here, it is not easy to design that with an amazing graphics engine, and the engine GTA 4 used is fantastic, i would also like you to point out which games in the past have used the Euphoria engine because i have seen none. And you say it is lacking so many features, like what? This is not san andreas, this is not whatever the fuck you think it should be, it's not an RPG, this GTA was meant to be realistic, and every GTA game is different, they don't build on "features" they either remove them completely or change them so it's very different, that's the way it goes with the GTA games. MGS4 Was a fantastic game, and if it wasn't for GTA i would probably give that game the award, but GTA 4 from a technical aspect is far more advanced then MGS4 and pretty much all other games, i'm not talking about the Story, i don't give a fuck what you thought about it, i'm not talking about Clothes shops either, (Who the fuck cares about how many clothes shops there is?) Anyone with half a brain is smart enough to see you are just looking for negatives to bring the game down, when the game has so much positive like the realistic cars and building models, please don't give me any of this "It shouldn't have won the GOTY award," Spike TV VGA awards are not the only VGA awards, MGS4 won in an award show in Europe and Kojima was given an award, so stop whining, this is an American awards show, GTA 4 was developed here and it deserves the award, anyone who disagrees, that's your opinion and while i do respect it, i don't care either.

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (SwitchBlade @ Dec 16 2008, 12:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

I don't understand how you can say the graphics are mediocre, i still play snes games and old games, so i don't really care about graphics, however i am smart enough to see what looks good for it's generation, and GTA 4 does just that, this is an entire city we are talking about here, it is not easy to design that with an amazing graphics engine, and the engine GTA 4 used is fantastic, i would also like you to point out which games in the past have used the Euphoria engine because i have seen none. And you say it is lacking so many features, like what? This is not san andreas, this is not whatever the fuck you think it should be, it's not an RPG, this GTA was meant to be realistic, and every GTA game is different, they don't build on "features" they either remove them completely or change them so it's very different, that's the way it goes with the GTA games. MGS4 Was a fantastic game, and if it wasn't for GTA i would probably give that game the award, but GTA 4 from a technical aspect is far more advanced then MGS4 and pretty much all other games, i'm not talking about the Story, i don't give a fuck what you thought about it, i'm not talking about Clothes shops either, (Who the fuck cares about how many clothes shops there is?) Anyone with half a brain is smart enough to see you are just looking for negatives to bring the game down, when the game has so much positive like the realistic cars and building models, please don't give me any of this "It shouldn't have won the GOTY award," Spike TV VGA awards are not the only VGA awards, MGS4 won in an award show in Europe and Kojima was given an award, so stop whining, this is an American awards show, GTA 4 was developed here and it deserves the award, anyone who disagrees, that's your opinion and while i do respect it, i don't care either.

Force Unleashed.

Realistic cars and buildings? Unprecedented and unheard of!

So we should always remain biased to our own games, even if they are behind the competition? Oh lawdy.

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (SwitchBlade @ Dec 16 2008, 12:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

I don't understand how you can say the graphics are mediocre, i still play snes games and old games, so i don't really care about graphics, however i am smart enough to see what looks good for it's generation, and GTA 4 does just that, this is an entire city we are talking about here, it is not easy to design that with an amazing graphics engine, and the engine GTA 4 used is fantastic, i would also like you to point out which games in the past have used the Euphoria engine because i have seen none. And you say it is lacking so many features, like what? This is not san andreas, this is not whatever the fuck you think it should be, it's not an RPG, this GTA was meant to be realistic, and every GTA game is different, they don't build on "features" they either remove them completely or change them so it's very different, that's the way it goes with the GTA games. MGS4 Was a fantastic game, and if it wasn't for GTA i would probably give that game the award, but GTA 4 from a technical aspect is far more advanced then MGS4 and pretty much all other games, i'm not talking about the Story, i don't give a fuck what you thought about it, i'm not talking about Clothes shops either, (Who the fuck cares about how many clothes shops there is?) Anyone with half a brain is smart enough to see you are just looking for negatives to bring the game down, when the game has so much positive like the realistic cars and building models, please don't give me any of this "It shouldn't have won the GOTY award," Spike TV VGA awards are not the only VGA awards, MGS4 won in an award show in Europe and Kojima was given an award, so stop whining, this is an American awards show, GTA 4 was developed here and it deserves the award, anyone who disagrees, that's your opinion and while i do respect it, i don't care either.

Force Unleashed.

Realistic cars and buildings? Unprecedented and unheard of!

So we should always remain biased to our own games, even if they are behind the competition? Oh lawdy.

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Guest Fohacidal

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Mithra Panties @ Dec 17 2008, 04:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Force unleashed came out WAY after GTA4 and they implemented the Euphoria engine AFTER GTA4 premiered it. so :P

Im pretty sure Euphoria was in development for Force Unleashed way before GTA4, they even had Euphoria tech demos from unleashed a year before gtaiv came out

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Haha MGS4 is NOT easy maybe if you played it on the easy or normai settings, but if you play it on the hardest (forget what its called big boss extreme or something) I would love to see you beat it in a day well i beat it in 19 hours but that was over 3 days. Also I believe it was the best game of the year. MGS4 and Heavenly Sword are the only games I have played all the way through without stopping. This was mainly because of the amazing cutscenes. I dont care if MGS4 was 60% video it was still hard as fuck, and very enjoyable. GTA4 is awesome aswell especially with a group of buddies. I believe GTA4 won just because more people play it, so more ppl voted. MGS4 was only on the ps3, so compare the ps3 fanbase to 360's are your fucked :P but if MGS4 had one I would bet money people would have complained. Its just the way it is. :P I just love video games :D

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