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Oh Pinoy, I thought you were playing this on Xbox. I'm sorry, but some of those achievements must be done on custom maps (zombie genocideist) with console commands or cheats. =/ Otherwise you'd be an extremely pro fps player making money doing tourneys.

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (kelso @ Nov 30 2008, 08:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Oh Pinoy, I thought you were playing this on Xbox. I'm sorry, but some of those achievements must be done on custom maps (zombie genocideist) with console commands or cheats. =/ Otherwise you'd be an extremely pro fps player making money doing tourneys.

I honestly did not "farm" any of my achievements.

I just played with good people on Expert.

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Yiyas @ Dec 2 2008, 07:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Kelso, how long did it take for you to get 53595 zombie kills?

Is that mockery? I've played more than 50 hours (don't go by xfire, i didnt have it on for the first 30 hours or whatever) and i dont even have 20k. LOL. I play too much versus but even then I should have quite a bit.

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (kelso @ Dec 2 2008, 05:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Is that mockery? I've played more than 50 hours (don't go by xfire, i didnt have it on for the first 30 hours or whatever) and i dont even have 20k. LOL. I play too much versus but even then I should have quite a bit.

I was hoping he was serious.

I thought you would've been part of the .1% I'm in for that achievement.

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I'm close to Red Mist, around 100 kills off or so, but... the Zombie Genocidist one is just impossible unless you play hours upon hours each day. I'm at 40-ish hours so far and I'm not even halfway done with that one. :P

I'm curious as to how people got the 'Nothing Special' and 'Safety First' achievements. I mean seriously, you WILL take damage from special Infected at some point. You WILL be shot by a teammate eventually. Those must take reaaaaaaaally good teams to accomplish.

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (meh @ Dec 2 2008, 05:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

I'm close to Red Mist, around 100 kills off or so, but... the Zombie Genocidist one is just impossible unless you play hours upon hours each day. I'm at 40-ish hours so far and I'm not even halfway done with that one. :P

I'm curious as to how people got the 'Nothing Special' and 'Safety First' achievements. I mean seriously, you WILL take damage from special Infected at some point. You WILL be shot by a teammate eventually. Those must take reaaaaaaaally good teams to accomplish.

Not true.


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Yeah, I say hacks. More like noclip. D:

And does anyone notice that there is absolute SHIT for servers? My game likes to place me in a game with like 7 asians from Japan and I have shit latency while they're picking flowers and skipping along merrily. Fuck. :[

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I like clicking 'Start this game', seeing 'Searching for dedicated server', and then waiting TEN FRIKKING MINUTES while Valve hunts for a server that's apparently located in outer Estonia. Yeah.

Is anyone else beginning to get irritated with the following glitches / features?

* If a zombie gets stuck in a table/chair/whatever, it becomes immune to melee and will beat on you for ages until you either spray it down or die.

* Boomers can be visible through walls, which makes hugging corners to ambush people problematic.

* The Smoker can't use its tongue attack and stay crouched, which makes you a GIANT TARGET.

Also, I really hope that a patch comes out with new weapons. It's not that the current weapons are growing stale or are imbalanced, it would just be nice to see some variety. M249 to lay down the law against the Tank or a Horde, dual small automatic weapons (dual Uzis?), Desert Eagle pistol (ooh two Deagles), etc. Or even, OH GOD AWESOME, a vehicle. Can you imagine the pure win that a map with a drivable pickup truck would be? One guy can drive, one guy can be in the passenger seat to protect the driver, and two guys can be in the back kicking ass.

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Think what you want, but my achievements are legit.

You can even check the Official L4D forums.

People state the game is too easy on Expert, which I found to be true, sort of. (The Finales are the biggest problem.)

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Pinoy @ Dec 3 2008, 07:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Think what you want, but my achievements are legit.

You can even check the Official L4D forums.

People state the game is too easy on Expert, which I found to be true, sort of. (The Finales are the biggest problem.)

I though no mercy finally was the easiest of the four. Mainly cause there is a room that Zombies can't

Get into and you can just wait for the heli.

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Guest starscream

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (meh @ Dec 2 2008, 10:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

I like clicking 'Start this game', seeing 'Searching for dedicated server', and then waiting TEN FRIKKING MINUTES while Valve hunts for a server that's apparently located in outer Estonia. Yeah.

Is anyone else beginning to get irritated with the following glitches / features?

* If a zombie gets stuck in a table/chair/whatever, it becomes immune to melee and will beat on you for ages until you either spray it down or die.

* Boomers can be visible through walls, which makes hugging corners to ambush people problematic.

* The Smoker can't use its tongue attack and stay crouched, which makes you a GIANT TARGET.

Also, I really hope that a patch comes out with new weapons. It's not that the current weapons are growing stale or are imbalanced, it would just be nice to see some variety. M249 to lay down the law against the Tank or a Horde, dual small automatic weapons (dual Uzis?), Desert Eagle pistol (ooh two Deagles), etc. Or even, OH GOD AWESOME, a vehicle. Can you imagine the pure win that a map with a drivable pickup truck would be? One guy can drive, one guy can be in the passenger seat to protect the driver, and two guys can be in the back kicking ass.

There is a HUGE list of bugs right now. Obviously bc the game just came out; I think before they come out with more weapons they just need more fucking MAPS, at the LEAST they should release the other two movies onto versus, its fucking annoying playing the same two movies over and over again vs other ppl

Here is the offical bugtracker thread:


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lawl it is easy to get both as long as u're hosting it locally with 3 other trusted friends.

sv_cheats 1

noclip (along with your 3 friends in no clip)

win for both achievements.

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (slipomatic @ Dec 3 2008, 10:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

lawl it is easy to get both as long as u're hosting it locally with 3 other trusted friends.

sv_cheats 1

noclip (along with your 3 friends in no clip)

win for both achievements.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (meh @ Dec 3 2008, 10:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Nor do you get achievements with sv_cheats on if memory servers; watch in console the message that pops up when you enable cheats.


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You can stay in no clip and have svcheats turned off, just noclip to the safe house, un noclip, turn off sv_cheats, walk into the safe house.

Also I found a cheating way to get Man vs Tank.

1. Put it on expert, turn on cheats and god mode till you get the weapon you want.

2. Turn on noclip and get above the rest of the survivors. Spawn a shit load of witches using "z_spawn witch". Shoot at the witches, they'll kill the survivors in one hit. Then kill the witches.

3. reload your ammo or spawn what ever weapon you want etc. and be ready to fight the tank.

4. Keep noclip on and stay well out of tank reach, they can't throw rocks straight up. Point your cross hairs at the ground and spawn a tank with "z_spawn tank" Then turn of cheats before you close the console. The Tank will spawn and you'll still be in no clip, but the achievement API wont see "sv_cheats" being on so it will let you acquire Achievements. Kill the Tank.

Ta Da, Done. If you don't have TANKBUSTERS either, it should give you that one as well.

You can do similar to get Crowned.

1. Turn on Cheats, Grab a shotgun.

2. Spawn a witch with z_spawn witch, turn cheats off.

3. Walk up to them slowly as soon as they stand up and stare at you with their mouth open, shotgun them to the face.

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Mithra Panties @ Dec 3 2008, 11:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

3. Walk up to them slowly as soon as they stand up and stare at you with their mouth open, shotgun them to the face.

So that's how you headshot a witch...thanks for the info.

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