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    Paradox Oddities

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    Main thing: Putting the famas on burst and swapping over to the glock lets you shoot the glock normally and have the chance to slow down enemies on hit. Not sure if intended or even op really...


    Custom Famas -  "... 25-100% drop immunity, and 4-1 ammo per second regeneration." Should be reworded to 1 ammo per 4-1 second(s) regeneration probably? Does not 'regen' when at 25 ammo. (For completeness sake) - Does not regen reserve ammo on famas or any ammo of the glock (idk if it needs to for either).


    Spray/Combo - Says in console +15 damage and +30 damage if you hit with the full burst. If that could be one line it would probably help for newer players (because its not +45 damage). Using the glock - No +attack speed or +dmg regardless (probably intended).


    Reload/Zoom - Using the glock - Zoom works fine, but trying to use reload does nothing for the glock (but does 'reload' the famas if you have one). Without having a famas it does nothing and just puts the skill on cool down (bug - should just say "You have no famas to reload!" and put it on like 1 sec cd).

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    Edit ish- Spray / Combo - The glock may be getting the +attack speed (it is a little hard to tell for me :/).


    Oh and 'speed' in chat says 1.29 speed instead of what should be 1.30 I guess (probably not a bug, but whatever)?

    Edited by Mr_Oob
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    It's also worth mentioning that your skillset is based on the either the Famas or without the Famas the glock, ie you can drop the famas to quick swap.


    "Does not 'regen' when at 25 ammo." 

    This is due to the natural clip of the Famas being at 25, Possible to work around this is to just add 1 bullet regardless of clip size and if it's <44 then stop but I don't know about the difficulties of that.


    The Glock does receive the +AS, if you mash left click like a motherfucker you can really tell the difference.


    Most of the interactions of the race don't really seem to work on the glock, I've never really noticed before this.

    Edited by Mr.Thaco-Olmon

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