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[ARCHIVE] Warcraft 3 Bug and Issue Reports

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Anti Mage blink cd from 6.0 to 4.0 at max

Gravitas slipspace cd from 10.0 to 7.0

Duelist leap CD from 0.9 to 0.75

Keldon Warlord chance to slow with first strike increased and damage dealt with second strike increased

Exalted Sorcerer hat of draining radius buffed and time between ticks reduced to help make it more competitive with hat of storms (hat of radiance still garbage until we fix screen flash tho, rip)

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Duelist leap CD from 0.9 to 0.75

<3 OMG <3


Also is thorns aura supposed to make a red lightning effect towards the person who shot you? Keeper was doing this yesterday atleast..

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Keeper does but others do not

Also exalted sorcerer hat of storms speed is still broken I just realized but its ez fix can fix tonight


edit: jk idk how to do math exalted sorcerer is perfectly fine already

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I dunno if you have to shoot immediately after respawning, but whenever I do, I respawn with a nade in hand. It's an extreme nuisance if ya wanna ambush someone in your spawn.


On an unrelated note, I'm p sure dreadknight's close combat passive doesn't work. The respawn skill is also not 100% (if this is intended could the raceinfo be changed because the current one implies a 100% chance).


Edit: Nope, just chillin after buying a respawn and it defaults to my flashbang, smoke if I don't have a flash.

Edited by Rootbeer Koolaid

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nerfed lilith

Made it correctly deal its 25% damage bonus for headshots

Reduced ultimate speed to 40% from 50%

Reduced its damage absorbing armor absorb 40% damage down from 50%

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Made dreadknights knife dmg reduction more consistent (previously it healed you AFTER the damage, so if you got 1 shot it had no effect)

Fixed dreadknight respawn

Fixed a couple skill descriptions (KJ, Ogre)


Takeno crit changed to flat 25% bonus damage

Reduced invis to 80% from 85%

Reduced disarm chance from 40% to 20%

Oh forgot to mention, when these go live I'm unrestricted jump


Bob can now buy boots.

Sin can no longer buy ring.

Ruthless Mercenary is live at lvl req 3800


new race on tester (wcs1 selune, p90 only now) -- removed banish skill for ESP immunity

Fixed weapon bugging out on spawn for selune and ruthless merc, if there is another race restricted to a gun that is bugging tell me and I can fix ez pz

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Restricted jump on white mage, already has a good mobility for a great race,


Various changes to exalted sorc to balance:

staff of lightning nerfed,

hat of draining nerfed,

robe of redirection nerfed,

staff of turning damage required increased,

speed is now different for each set of boots

boots of flame now show some entities to give you an idea how long your trail is

Restricted claw and chain

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Lowered corpse bomber's bonus damage by about a third.


Made abaddon's aphotic shield only absorb 75% of damage, this means awp headshots and goomba should kill him and lots of other things will still deal decent damage instead of being completely disregarded.


Restricted health and mask from Vex.


Blademaster dmg reduction during ult 65% buffed to 75%.


Motoko chance for bonus damage during ult increased from 40% to 60%.


White Mage's speed and bonus health reduced (35% -> 28%, 50->40) <this will happen on restart>


Made it so Ruthless Merc can only use ult to refil M4A1-S ammo and not other things.


Added expertise to a few of my races I had skipped in the past (still a couple missing it) and added a couple to older races.

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Made abaddon's aphotic shield only absorb 75% of damage, this means awp headshots and goomba should kill him and lots of other things will still deal decent damage instead of being completely disregarded.

thank god


Added expertise to a few of my races I had skipped in the past (still a couple missing it) and added a couple to older races.


nvm im griefed

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Made abaddon's aphotic shield only absorb 75% of damage, this means awp headshots and goomba should kill him and lots of other things will still deal decent damage instead of being completely disregarded.


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Ruthless Mercenary's ulti scavenge keeps saying "Must equip M4A1-S!" even while you have it equipped. 

Fixed, thanks.

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Suicide bomb/corpsebomb no longer damage players more than a 128 units above or below the explosion. This is approximately the height of office hallways.

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  • Fixed oodles of zergling bugs.
  • Fixed Rottweil ult bonus damage applying to pistol/knife.
  • Added some bonus damage to Ahmed (has an OKAY KD but I think it is largely because of suicide bomb, I don't think this will make the race OP by any means but I am ready to remove it if it is too strong somehow).
  • Made Anti Mage blink remove all movement impairing effects.
  • If zergling attempts to unborrow with an enemy nearly on or on its head, it will deal 50 damage to them.
  • Spectators/dead players see a white entity on the ground where the zergling is.
  • Fixed black mage saying it respawned console.
  • Fixed the always failing to download lightningbolt and rocket1.
  • Slightly reduced the chance and effect of Iron Man knockup on Musician.
  • Changed hat of radiance on exalted sorc to be "cannot be seen on the radar"
  • Expertise stuff

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  • Lowered ultralisk evolution on zergling hp by 50
  • Fixed bug where all HP changes in evolution resulted in zergling having 25 more hp than it should (e.g. if evolution gave -20 hp, it really gave +5 hp)
  • Buffed stalker evolution from 80% invis to 85% invis (keep in mind it correctly has 50 hp now instead of 80)
  • Fixed bug where musicians firestarter effect was stacking and also could damage players while the musician was dead.


Also new command useful for testing or debugging problems.


IN CHAT: "/debug"

It brings up a menu with 3 options accessible to players: Pre/Post Dmg, Trace Attack, and Bufflist.

Each option has 3 settings, OFF, ATTACKER, and VICTIM.


Examples and explanations:

Pre/Post Dmg prints two things every time you attack someone (if set on ATTACKER) or every time you are attacked (if set on VICTIM).

Example of the PRE print:

PRE: ATTK: sG | Face [ENG] (98 Anti Mage) || VIC: sG | whitelightning [ENG] (62 Zergling) || Dmg: 111.88889

What this print means: Face is the attacker playing 98 anti mage, whitelightning is the victim playing 62 zergling. The damage amount is BEFORE ALL MODIFICATIONS. This might be an AK-47 headshot for example. Whether I have claw, he has chain, he has 100% damage reduction or 100% evade, etc. is irrelevant. This damage number is what the attack would deal WITHOUT warcraft 3 effects.


Example of the POST print:

POST: ATTK: sG | Face [ENG] (98 Anti Mage) Claw: 1 || VIC: sG | whitelightning [ENG] (62 Zergling) Chain: 0 || Dmg: 84.32223 Weapon: weapon_ak47 W3S: 0

What this print means: Same as the pre-print, except it also tells us the attacker has claws (claw: 1), the victim does not have a chain (chain: 0), what the ACTUAL DAMAGE DEALT is (84.32223**), what the weapon is (ak47) and that the damage is not "warcraft damage" (W3S: 0). Warcraft damage is defined as any damage that we deal with the warcraft mod. E.g., bonus dmg, poison, fire. Modified damage (such as steves +30%) might not show as W3S damage but it also may, it generally just depends on how things are coded.

**calculated as 111.8889 * 0.7 + 6 because zergling has 30% dmg reduc and the attacker has claws


Example of the TRACE print:

TRACE: ATTK: sG | whitelightning [ENG] || VIC: sG | Face [ENG] || Dmg: 39.9999 Hitbox: 0 Hitgroup: 0

What this means: whitelightning did an attack that had a base damage of 40 (39.9999 rounded up). when I say base damage I mean it doesn't account for hitting in the foot or the head. e.g. an AK47 will always show a damage number of like 30-40, even if you hit headshots. Hitbox: there is lots of hitbox numbers, I do not know these I just added it in case it is useful in the future for us. Hitgroup: 0 = knife attack (I think?), 1 = head, 2 = chest, 3 = stomach, 4/5 = arms, 6/7 = legs.


Example of the BUFFLIST print:

======= Buffs for sG | Face [ENG] =======

======= Buffs for sG | whitelightning [ENG] =======

Buff: 12 || Value: 1.70000 || Race Applying: Zergling

Buff: 22 || Value: 1.500000 || Race Applying: Zergling

Buff: 41 || Value: 5.00000 || Race Applying: Zergling

Buff: 44 || Value: -30 || Race Applying: Zergling

What this means: this prints buff IDs, values, and races the buffs are from. Here, Face has no buffs while whitelightning has many. I'm not going to post or explain the IDs (as they could really change) or make it print buffnames (at least for now). This is mostly so someone could send us the information if they think it is relevant. Important Note: Not everything you think of as a "buff" is a "buff". Examples of things you probably won't see: armor shread, custom damage effects (shadespawn), screen fading, ammo shredding, any type of temporary buff may not appear (depends on how it is coded). Just because you see your Bufflist and there is 0 or 1 buffs but your race has 4 skills does not mean the race is broken.


There are also two more options that are developer only:

Player Info (this prints health, armor, and whether or not the player has a helmet every time damage is dealt or taken)

Distance (this prints distance of players within either 600 or 1200 units every 2 seconds)

These are developer only because I know someone will try to use it to their advantage.


All debug messages print to your console.


Other easy commands:

/debug off (this sets all debugs to [OFF])

/debug attacker (sets all non-developer to [ATTACKER])

/debug victim (sets all non-developer to [VICTIM])

developer only /debug status prints in console if any players have debug settings turned on and which ones they have on what mode

developer only /debug kill sets all non-developer player's debug settings to OFF


I know the vast majority of people will have no purpose for this, but hopefully this can help testers and people who report bugs.


Please for the love of god, turn some of these settings on before you report a problem related to dealing/taking damage or buffs not working, etc.

This is brand new, so no harm to the past obviously. However, if you send me a message that shows your damage you dealt from the regular console damage prints and say "I have bonus damage why didn't I get bonus damage" I will literally begin convulsing uncontrollably. Please make use of /debug attacker (for problems related to you DEALING damage) or /debug victim (for problems related to you TAKING damage or another player dealing excessive damage, e.g. the Rottweil Ult bug before I fixed it).

Your console will get spammed by this. I don't suggest setting it on "for funsies" because you will probably get a quarter of a screen of console prints every time you deal damage (attacker) or take damage (victim).




Also, in general I've had more than one person report vague bugs to me that give me essentially no help. I will come back, the person who messaged me offline and I will have a message like "this rottweil bug is fucking stupid." Okay... what bug? Where do I even start? Or something like "zergling hp is broken" okay... how is it broken? Is ultralisk hp broken? is it hunter HP? is it the HP regeneration? Are you upset that you spawn with 50 and regen up to 70? I don't know and I don't like to join the server and spend 20 minutes testing a race because somebody can't take the extra 5 seconds to type out what the actual problem is. Sometimes I ignore these messages, sometimes I ask for more details. I'm by no means referring to any one in particular as it seems like everyone has done it to me at least once.

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Bob can now buy boots.


You mean to tell me boots have been unrestricted for two weeks on Bob and I haven't noticed? I'm still going 3:1, 4:1 easy without boots. This should be good...

Edited by Ika

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  • Burrowed movement will be slowed down by ~20-25% maybe later gonna let everything else happen first
  • Burrowed zerglings can take 10% physical and 25% magic damage
  • All hits to a zergling while burrowed will count as chest shots (because spraying 10 bullets into his head would be too easy)
  • Zerglings can not unburrow within 300 units of the bomb (no more getting insta stabbed defusing)
  • "Hit from below" damage reduced to 25 (if on top of zergling) or 20 (if directly beside zergling) from 50 and 40
  • When a zergling burrows, all clients will see an white circle on the ground for the first half second (to reduce the "Was that a blade master that teleported back or a zergling or someone who dc'd ? wtf just happened")

To compensate for all the burrow nerfs

  • Lunge cooldown reduced from 7 seconds to 5 seconds, Raptor still gets 1 second lunge cooldown

Also going to attempt to make it so zerglings can move through smaller areas while burrowed (without letting them go through walls... that is the problem I had in the past). It may be buggy but we will see.


These are my current plans but nothing is definite and nothing is live yet. At least some changes will be made tonight or tomorrow.

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Surviving a round with zergling being burrowed and changing race leaves the zerg invis on the next round. So you can go running around fully invis zergling.

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Surviving a round with zergling being burrowed and changing race leaves the zerg invis on the next round. So you can go running around fully invis zergling.

Fixed, thanks.

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zergling still being worked on obv

  • Reduced burrowed movement slightly
  • Increased physical damage taken while burrowed from 10% to 20%
  • Increased lunge timer as raptor from 1 sec to 2 sec
  • Added sounds for when unborrowed (for balance
  • Added a sound for when you die as a non-baneling (for themes)

edit: fixed bug where stalker backstab and rightclick damage were not applying at all and sometimes left click bonus dmg wasn't triggering either?

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zergling obv

  • fixed bug where after burrowing zerglings lost their 30% physical damage reduction
  • added 10 more hp reduction on the speed skill to counteract this bugfix that is a buff
  • made burrow check for silence (keldon hard counter o baby)
  • increased damage taken while burrowed to 50% magical 30% physical
  • Reduced the sound level on unburrow sounds slightly


nerfed evolutions across the board

  • raptor evade 20% -> 10%
  • baneling evade 50% -> 25%
  • baneling speed bonus 40% -> 30%
  • hunter speed lost 20% -> 30%
  • ultra bonus damage reduction 40% -> 30%
  • ultra attack speed lost 50% -> 70%
  • reduced ultralisk movement while burrowed

Added Star Lord race to tester thanks to OG Shadow


Exalt sorc evade on robe of redirection 20% -> 17%

Exalt sorc bash chance of staff of earthen strikes 20% -> 18% dmg on bash from 7 -> 5 bash time from 0.7 -> 0.5

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Exile of Wraeclast test bugs


- items persist after MAP change. Also after player leaves server.

- Some items stack causing incredible damage, such as 500 dmg backstabs

- Drop rate at max level seems to be much lower than 75%, confirmed with test

- Items have wrong 'classification' i.e. Leer cast mask gives bug as if it is a belt.

- A few items seem to have bugged props such as rainbow boots granting physical dmg resistance.

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Exile of Wraeclast test bugs
- items persist after MAP change. Also after player leaves server.
- Some items stack causing incredible damage, such as 500 dmg backstabs
- Drop rate at max level seems to be much lower than 75%, confirmed with test
- Items have wrong 'classification' i.e. Leer cast mask gives bug as if it is a belt.
- A few items seem to have bugged props such as rainbow boots granting physical dmg resistance.



The backstab thing is weird when I tested it with you. After you left, I right clicked people in front and it did 87 damage, which sounds about right with the +50% right click dmg, but for some reason, when I left click people, I kill them with two left clicks.


When you activate the physical dmg reduction flask and the speed flask, in chat, it will display "Granite Flask: you now have 30% dmg reduction" and "Granite Flask: You now have 50% speed"


The drop chance is definitely much lower than what it says.

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