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Posts posted by bulletford

    • Changed DNA button to +spray_menu
    • increased delay before changing player model on spawn and made(fixes viewmodel issues)
    • attempted to fix first round preparing overlay
    • disabled overtime by default
    • changed the way rounds are tracked and made traitor/inno score show on scoreboard(should fix many first round issues)
    • removed sprite on death and added another debug message
    • delayed traitor tester spawn(should fix first round issue)
    • Changed c4 to be more reliable when placing, shouldn't disappear anymore(thanks @Face!)

  1. Go here -> http://www.joinsg.net/discordauth/

    click the big button




    Its going to ask for your username so we can link the account to your forum account as well permission to use an instant invite to our discord server.


    Once this is done, login to discord, and sG-Bot will automatically give you your rank!


    If it doesn't work try changing your online status in the bottom left corner of the screen(swipe left for mobile users)



    If you have any issues with this process please let me know!

  2. 10 minutes ago, Jodas said:

    Don`t waste your time on this, this is my fault. While porting all those maps I got the materials from every map but I had to replace some and I usually had to replace the windows. But the problem is I had over 30 different materials for the same glass and only one of these actually works without this problem for you guys. I am the only one who doesn`t have the problem with the windows because I have them all which also made it very hard to figure out which one is the wrong material and now it is too late because I am in canada and don`t have my materials anymore.



    Thanks for the info, and thank you for porting so many maps for us

  3.  I worked on these things:


    • Designated role Overlay Not showing up in the top left of the screen, and only appears in chat at the beginning of the round (can provide screenshots of what I mean) - tweaked a bit
    • Weapons disappear randomly - added a few checks when giving weapons that might fix this
    • All weapons and arms become invisible, and you are unable to use grenades - ^
    • Props do no damage and the player becomes glitched inside when touching said prop - should be fixed
    • Skins not showing up ( not a big deal but thought I would mention it) - some weapons are restricted (cz-75, fiveseven, p2000, usp, m4a1, m4a1-s, tec-9, deagle, revolver)
    • There is an issue when downloading the map ttt_casino_sg_v3 Its been reported that anyone who does not already have this map installed gets kicked while downloading the map -@Jeff The Flying Shark can you try deleting your map and redownloading it, see if it works?
    • T icon appears at innocents feet (has been a glitch for a long time) - added another check on spawn/roundstart
    • If you join spectators you typically cannot rejoin a team -  above weapon checks may fix this
    • Jihad no longer plays the sound (not sure if intentional or not)  -  make sure your music volume is turned up, this works for me


    still need to look at these:


    • Some maps still have the issue, when you break windows they turn black on one side but are clear on the other 
    • Sometimes bodies will randomly vanish right after killing
    • Reg making the server unplayable at times 

    • Traitor Radar glitches showing random circles

    • When zooming in with the AWP as a detective your chat gets spammed with the "No samples detected"

    • Molotovs and somes will sometimes disappear mid air, and never depoly 

    • After ID'ing body still says youre alive ( https://i.gyazo.com/d286b1c6cae378a25080f7f92ec7afb3.png )


    @Apache thank you for posting this list, these issues could still occur, post here if they do.

    • fix damagelog sometimes showing the wrong amount of damage taken or displaying a blank weapon name
    • made the killfeed show for traitors
    • cycle the overlays for every player on their first round of the map(This should help stop annoying mid-round lag when viewing the overlays for the first time after launching csgo)
    • fixed ragdolls showing the incorrect death reason

    • fixed damagelog lagging behind 1 event when posting to the console, essentially missing an event
    • made a round 'Active' when its in session so that the web based damagelog cannot be abused by non-admins
    • made grenade throws logged
    • added sm_bug variant of ttt_bug
    • made prop damage logged
    • added display names for grenade projectile entities
    • removed nightvision

  4. 1 hour ago, XxdragonxX88 said:

    another problem with that would be the lag if people have 120 fps it would be halfished because a second map is added in so rip. 

    Not true at all, won't affect FPS any more then a full server does now.



    I'm looking at reducing the chance to get traitor multiple times in a row, this should increase the chance for other players to get traitor.

  5. 55 minutes ago, Reaper0470 said:

    On GMOD when you died you entered a ghost death match arena on the same map that would continue until the round ended. I don't believe this can be incorporated into CSGO however if possible would probably be a good addition. Innocents are pretty much deputies to the detective. Your entire purpose is to find out who the traitors are so once the t's start killing your job to find out begins. 

    I had this mostly coded for JB, just needed to stop things like gun sounds and impact holes from being displayed to live players

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