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Posts posted by bulletford

    • added a popular fix for models/arms issues.
    • made t button sprite die on round_end Pre-hook, hoping they won't survive into next round. This is the cause of the T sprite issue.
    • fixed homerun not clearing completely also fixed an issue that allowed players to throw a bat when they had no weapon.
    • fixed sprint errors that caused it to not work if you were sprinting when the round ended.
    • added a team join fix, hoping to fix the issue where players get stuck in spectate.

    • Sounds are no longer are controlled by music volume, You can now reduce your music volume without worrying about hearing silenced scouts
    • Fixed death sounds not playing
    • sprite error fixes and cleanup, I found out that the traitor buttons are the cause of sprite issues, I think I fixed it. Let me know if you experience it again.
    • new c4 lcd hud(see below), Also made it oriented correctly(not upside down anymore)
    • changed silenced scout sound
    • fixed voice notification counting for staff on round end
    • Sprint plugin added, Double tap W to sprint (see video below)





  1. A few updates from the last couple of weeks

    • Fixed mapskins not working, all players should have t models now
    • fixed an issue with the forcetraitor and forcedetective commands where they could also be picked again through regular means
    • fixed c4 displaying the wrong safe wires
    • homerun bat launches people(old update)
    • More sprite changes
    • Temporarily disabled sprites on t buttons
    • Voice drain no longer affects players during pre-round or after round, and doesn't affect players until 10 people are on a team


    • DNA is back on right click(no longer spams if you're not looking at an entity)...it also works now
    • moved sprites and traitor outlines to their own plugin for easier debugging(and possibly fixes..keep looking out for this one guys)


    I'll probably make it so if you're staring at an entity and have a gun with a scope it won't scope in...soonTM

  3. This actually just became doable this week, volvo fixed a bug which caused hudmessages to not display on csgo. TTTGO and ZE are already using the feature



    EDIT: also, on widescreen resolutions there is a bug causing anything on the right side of the screen will not display correctly, so this needs to be in the bottom middle/top middle or left side of the screen... not really the best places for this amount of info


    EDIT2: the text is also nearly twice the size as shown in the screenshot above and can't be changed(another bug)


    TTTGO example here:





    • added new hud messages that show remaining alive player counts Thanks @Revöker, Only shows for traitors.
    • reverted a bounding box check for traitor tester that broke it
    • Made disguiser automatically activate when you purchase it



    Remaining team counts automatically move depending on the users player count/timer hud position

  5. Some changes from the last few weeks:


    • remove sprite before death(just done tonight, let me know if it works)

    • re-enabled overtime by default

    • added more checks to make sure player is inside traitor tester box

    • added csgo_gni_econ extension to fix giving specific weapons disregarding loadout

    • removed loadout from staff

    • removed p2000 from loadout

    • unblocked m4a4 from spawning on maps

    • Added chat triggers for !shop and shop, !inv and inv, !team and team, they will be automatically hidden.

    • added a new display message system for confirming and identifying players(and possible future additions)
    • changed traitor sprites to use entity references instead of indexes
    • made all weapon plugins use entity references instead of indexes (Hoping to fix some entity dissapearing issues)
    • RTV map change will occur on the round end



    •  fixed an issue where confirming a player dead via their killers body would call OnDeathEvent causing the round to end early(among other issues)
    •  fixed an issue when checking the round for a winning team causing the wrong team to win sometimes
    •  fixed the traitor sprite, 1-9 c4 icons, jihad sound and other files not downloading.
    •  Added homerun bat for traitors
    •  Added Mp5 for detectives


    EDIT: Images for new weapons B91957A4387DCDFC61D85D821B7F2882955F3E3750F5B96B1A6011EC1ED0DBE0289AC7DB23011003

    • Updated OnEventDeath to correctly show headshots/penetrations(should correctly show on dead bodies now)
    • Updated traitor killfeed to correctly show the weapon used
    • delayed model changes on spawn some more
    • fixed radar spots not dissapearing when new ones are created
    • fixed c4 being removed when trying to place on an invalid position
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