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Mr. Big Shot

Shoe Annoyances

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You know that back part of your shoe right next to your Achilles that when you try to slip into your shoes the wrong way just once and that part slides down slightly and it never sits right ever again? Is there a way to fix this?

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Are you talking about the counter?(stiff part at back of the shoe)


Your shoes are probably old or very cheaply made so best "fix" is buy a better pair of shoes. lol

Other then that, I have no idea how you would fix that but maybe invest in a shoe horn if you are always slipping your shoes on and can't be bothered to put them on properly.

Unless you are buying very very nice dress shoes (talking several $100s to $1000s) it usually isn't worth fixing. Most cobblers will laugh you out of their store if you bring in a rubber soled, under $300, "crappy" dress shoe.

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3 hours ago, centran said:

Are you talking about the counter?(stiff part at back of the shoe)


Your shoes are probably old or very cheaply made so best "fix" is buy a better pair of shoes. lol

Other then that, I have no idea how you would fix that but maybe invest in a shoe horn if you are always slipping your shoes on and can't be bothered to put them on properly.

Unless you are buying very very nice dress shoes (talking several $100s to $1000s) it usually isn't worth fixing. Most cobblers will laugh you out of their store if you bring in a rubber soled, under $300, "crappy" dress shoe.

I wasn't even aware it had a name. This happened to one of my favorite pair of J's when I was trying to quickly leave one day and it hasn't been the same since. The part that has slipped down slightly is the cushion on the inside. From the outside it looks fine. It almost seems like it's rolled down because it's bunched up and now sitting on a different park of my Achilles than the other. They've lasted me a good 3 years with almost daily wear so they might be making it to the end of the line.

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2 hours ago, Mr. Big Shot said:

The part that has slipped down slightly is the cushion on the inside. From the outside it looks fine. It almost seems like it's rolled down because it's bunched up and now sitting on a different park of my Achilles than the other. 


Well if you are going to call them dead might as well try some surgery first. Cut the fabric open and roll the cushion back up. Use some glue to try and get it to stay up. Probably best to get some fabric glue to try and get the fabric back in place after you cut it.

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