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Addressing "Detailed explanations"

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So it seems there is some confusion as to what we're expecting when we say "detailed explanation" so I'll just take a moment to give everyone a run down on what we're looking for in referrals.


First, we aren't expecting anyone to write a paragraph about the person or why he should be allowed to join our community, this would make referring anyone a pain in the butt. Everything we want in an explanation can be given in just a couple sentences, obviously writing more is a plus.

As an example here is something along the lines of what we're looking for-


confirm ref. 


Spons-- Although he has gotten mixed up with some of the toxic little children of this community, he is one of the more laid back and non-toxic ones. He has had his moments, and he won't deny that, but for the most part, he's been a nice little squeak. When you aren't playing Rust, Sponsored is a fun guy to play games with. I'd ref him any time.

example #2.
I'm ref'ing. He is easily one of the chillest of the youngin's and is genuinely enjoyable to play any game with. He had some accidental autism on the forums one time, but it's not representative of how he is on a daily basis. I think most can agree that him and Dash are still the best of the "squeakers".

An explanation should go into detail as to why you think he would be a good addition to the community, off the top of my head here are some things I would use as a explanation I would give if I were to refer someone.

  • Forum/game presence.
  • admin ability
  • reference their past and then give examples as to how the recruit has improved.
  • How they treat other players.
  • bring up your experience with the person in or out of the servers.


These are just some examples that I came up with off the top of my head.


Anyways, I hope this helped clear some things up.



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