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Lv. 100 Garchomp

Remove the Taser

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I have literally come and played on TTT maybe a total of 3 hours this last week. In that time I have seen at least 6 instances of Detective Abusing and RDMing with the Taser. It isn't always possible to see who glitched someone into a wall or threw them off the map so I'm stuck just slaying the Detective for abusing Taser unless I saw who actually did it.


Please remove this shit.

Edited by Matthew

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You can no longer pick up bodies when they are tasered. I look into keeping credits, but it doesn't look like it is going to be easy.


Much needed fix. I think this will finally restore the tactical purpose of the taser.

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Uhm just so you know the taser is borked again. When someone gets tasered they spectate a random player(not sure if this happens 100% of the time) anyway if the person you end up spectating is a T it kinda fucks them over

Hate to revive an old thread but this.

And people can still glitch your body into spots that you can't move from. There were 3 times yesterday where I was tased and then moved into a spot that once I came back, I couldn't get out of. Each was right at the beginning of a round too. I was then told that there's really no enforcement against people who randomly tase.

Admittedly one case was centran just picking on me (and I'll admit it was pretty funny) but it's really an annoying mechanic.

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Although you can't pick the bodies up, you can still move them around by holding the m1 down with the magneto stick as if you were pushing around a big prop, so I still keep hearing people freaking out as they come back and they've been shoved into a wall or something. I've also experienced losing my credits still, sometimes you lose them sometimes you keep them it appears to be random.

The spectating thing is also getting really annoying. Rounds have been ruined because someone's been tased and spectated a traitor setting c4 or something. It feels like ghosting.

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I've been warning people about tasing randomly and purposefully pushing bodies into glitched spots. If I see it I bring the person out of the spot and punish whoever pushed him there/ the person who randomly tased.

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