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Warcraft 3 Changelog

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  • Restricted Kozu from using chain
  • Buffed ring of HP regen from 0.2 per tick to 0.3 per tick
  • Undead Scourge suicide bomb buffed from 20-33 ft to 30-40ft
  • Flame Predator Suicide bomb damage increased from 120-220 to 180-300 on death
  • Buffed Machine Gunner
    • Burning bullets now have a 45% chance to proc up from 30%
    • Burning bullets now have 1-4 ticks up from 1-3 ticks
    • Slow bullets now slow from 5-30% instead of 2-15%
    • Standoff Damage reduction increased from 20-30% to 20-35%
  • Buffed Master Of War
    • Now spawns with 2 flashbangs
    • Regen ammo buffed from every 3-1.8 seconds to every 2.5-1.2 seconds
  • Buffed Soul Reaper's presence range from 40 ft to 55 ft
  • Buffed Remilia Scarlet
    • Bash chance improved from 6-15% to 8-20%
    • Resistance increased from 10-50% to 25-65%
  • Buffed Tiny's Avalanche, it now hits all targets in front of him instead of just one
  • Buffed Blademaster
    • Bladestorm damage buffed from 1-3 per tick to 1-4 per tick and duration reduced from 3-5.5 seconds to 2.5-4.5 seconds
    • Updated expertise
  • Buffed Dreadknight
    • Acute Senses now checks every 0.5 - 0.15 seconds instead of 0.8 - 0.3 seconds
    • Acute Senses radius increased from 30-40ft to 35-45ft
    • Acute Senses duration increased from 1.5-2.5 seconds to 1.75-2.75 seconds
  • Fixed Kozu's anti-bash; it should now work properly
  • Added sound effect to Holy Paladin Revive
  • Buffed Priest
    • Sanctuary duration increased from 12 seconds to 15 seconds
    • Sanctuary radius increased from 14ft to 16ft
    • Sanctuary heal amount increased from 1-3 per tick to 1-4 per tick
    • Sanctuary cooldown increased from 30 seconds to 40 seconds


Coolness Patch 1.3 still pending release of 7 new races. I've decided to deploy these changes because it takes a very long time to code 7 races and I haven't so much free time at the moment.

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Added Swag7.

Fix sometimes having to press number keys several times to get a skill info. 

Fix choosing a skill on the second page of raceinfo going back to the first page.

In chat, saying changerace # and raceinfo # now goes to the page specified.

Fixed some bugs with bonus damage (e.g. shadow lurker, glockness, adventurer) so it should give damage more consistently.

Undead has 150 max hp to start now instead of 125.


Also, I can't remember who suggested the changerace # change, but they also suggested a back button on the first page of menus and a next button on the last page, to wrap around. This would require using custom menus instead of prebuilt sourcemod menus, so would require a heck of a lot of code for a minor convenience. Sorry.

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Added Fyndhorn Elder, Elvish Knight

Gave expertise to                    and                                        .

Added HP skill to Archmage Proudmoore.

Lowered crit damage on Orc Chieftain.

Added race completion % to playerinfo.

Fixed guns sometimes appearing while dead/spectating if you switched to/from Ranger of the Woods, Swag7, Voodoo, or Remilia.

Voodoo Witch Doctor will no longer target players with custom models (trickster/infected).

Fixed the spelling of Chieftain everywhere.

Fixed Night Elf's true shot.

Fixed undead lord not counting as undead for healing/extra damage.

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  • Added Savage
  • Added Hand Of God
  • Buffed lurker bonus damage from 2-7 to 5-10
  • Buffed RPG race longjump from 22.5 ft at max level to 27.5 ft at max level
  • Changed Fyndhorn thorns damage from 10-80% chance to reflect 5-40% damage to 10-45% chance to reflect 30-50% damage


edit: fixed a bug where deadly decoy and gnat were healing hand of god massive amounts

edit2: changed the way hand of god evasion works

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  • Fixed a bug with Dreadknight teleporting to spawn

Fixed Dreadknight's bonus knife damage not working on first hit

Fixed orcish horde expertise to work properly

Reduced Nature's wisps longjump (from 35 ft to 30 ft) and evasion (from 40% to 30%)

Implemented race testers

Reduced Cannibals ravage damage (from 10-50 to 6-30)

Added 3 new races to be released on May 23rd

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  • New tester race: Transient Entity

    • Will be released officially in a day or two depending on bug fixes

    • Decided to just release it because it's not that complicated of a race, should be no problems

  • Idea by repeet, recent event winner

Siddhartha has been nerfed slightly

  • Can no longer purchase chain or claws

Can no longer respawn while still alive

Unholy Paladin buffed due to lower player count on server

  • leeches more life

doubled the magic resist rate

lowered the time it takes for the ultimate to kill

Increased life gained per team mate

Properly displaying bonuses at start of round now

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  • Siddhartha nerfed slightly

    • Reduced passive HP bonus from 10-60 to 10-40

  • Reduced Human Realm damage reduction from 6-35% to 6-26%

Reduced Titan Damage from 4-25% to 5-20%

Ring of Regen restricted

Unholy Paladin changes

  • Unholy Feast (death aura thing) now distinguishes between teams

Time until death shorted from 5 - 2.5 seconds to 4.6 - 2.1 seconds

Hand of God buffed

  • Can now purchase Tome of experience

Slash cooldown reduced from 7.5 seconds to 5.5 seconds

Starting buffs slightly increased

Added expertise to several races

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Added some information to the scoreboard, which rotates through using the 14-character clan tag spot. It rotates through:

  • clan tag - [JoinSG]
  • race - Human Alliance
  • total levels - 2593 Levels


Set cl_show_clan_in_death_notice to 0 to remove clan tags from kill messages.

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Added race of the day. This is a different race for each player on which they can play regardless of level requirement and on which they receive 50% extra xp.

Your race will be displayed to you when you join, but if you forget you can type "rotd" into chat to be reminded. You can also "changerace rotd" to switch to it directly!

Let us know if you have any issues with this feature, including your rotd changing more than once per day or not changing at midnight central time.

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Race stats are here!




Sorting by different values:

  • racestats (to choose one of the sorting options)
  • racestats maxed
  • racestats kdr
  • racestats wlr
  • racestats time
  • racestats players
  • racestats levels
  • racestats minlevel
Other uses:
  • racestats <sort> <page> - Goes to page number, works for all sorts above. i.e. "racestats kdr 5"
  • racestats <sort> <racename> - Lists all races that match racename, sorted by the sort given. i.e. "racestats time orc" or "racestats kdr master"
  • racestats <specific racename> - Gives all the race stats for that race. i.e. "racestats shadow lurker"
Specific stats gathered are:
  • Kills
  • Deaths
  • Wins
  • Losses
  • Time Played
  • Unique Players
  • Total Levels
  • Bombs Planted
  • Bombs Defused
  • Hostages Rescued
  • Hostage Carriers Killed
  • Maxed Kills
  • Maxed Deaths
  • Maxed Time
Only players and total levels are correct from the start of the server, everything else will start counting as of today.

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In case you missed it, two pieces of information show up on the scoreboard:

  • Races Maxed Percentage shows up as your MVPs, from 1 MVP at 1% to 100 MVPs at 100%.
  • Races Maxed Percentage shows up as your CSGO Competitive rank, increasing in increments of 5% starting at 15% and maxing at Global Elite at 100%.
  • Race level shows up as your CSGO experience rank. Ranks 1-8 indicate 0-100% of maxing a race, and then ranks 9-40 are accrued every 5 levels starting at level 40. This maxes at level 200 on a race. GG Valve's new policy.

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When I restart tomorrow afternoon/night:


  • Fixed bug where spawning with weapons always swaps to grenades (smoke grenade especially)
  • Altered Kill XP and added XP for the team that wins the round. This is described in depth below.

All kills grant 50% 75% of previous xp. The other 50% 25% you would have previously gotten is added to an XP "pool". This pool is then divided up among the winning team.

Changing teams during a round excludes you from the xp pool. Even if you change and change back, you will not be able to get round-win XP for that round.

Changing teams during the time when 1 round has ended and BEFORE the other round has started has no effect on getting round-win XP.

Here is an example [With 50% reduction of xp] of a round before and after this change: http://puu.sh/jC5aH/de05ca8516.png

As you can see in the image, in the BEFORE image CTs won and got slightly more kill xp (1350 vs 1150).

However, in the AFTER image the CTs won and get substantially more XP (1925 vs 575).

As such, winning the rounds will be very valuable (in terms of XP) while the overall XP distributed is the same.



EDIT: Keep in mind, stacking teams is a punishable offense. Do not ruin the fun of other players for your own benefit.

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25% of XP is pooled instead of 50% like previously planned.

defuse/plant xp upped slightly.

Fixed reserve ammo not working with cz75/m4a1s/usps -- please tell me if you find any problems

Added Demon Hunter to tester

Fixed granthad sometimes not getting deagle with ammo

Increased molecule evade from 30 to 33% (previously I nerfed it from 35% to 30%)

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Made it so that admins can only give cash for a brief time after the freeze time ends.

This caused a bug where cash cannot be given at the end of the map. This bug should be fixed on restart.


Round win XP will be slightly modified to give more xp. This additional xp will essentially be free xp (no taking away from people). My goal is to get the round win amount between 200-300 if the server is decently populated.

Round win XP might will be disabled temporarily overnight and if so, that is fine. I will restart tomorrow and enable it in its slightly altered form.


Fixed gloves of warmth continuously giving grenades.

I'm aware of some persisting ammo issues with USP-S on xian (and likely the other usp-s, m4a1s, and cz75 races). Will fix that at some point.


war3imba is back

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  • My reserve ammo fix was bugging ammo the following round if you were reloading at round end. This bug should be fixed.


  • Round-win xp has been modified (as in the previous post) for about 24 hours now. Probably will stay the way it is.


  • Tried to fix cash on round-end again, hopefully fixed.


  • Added event races to tester.

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Event will be going live Friday morning, see more details here: http://www.joinsg.net/topic/67828-summer-war3-event-august-21-to-august-31/


In short, win prizes, 30% bonus xp, 5 new races.

The races will be unlocked by acquiring gold bars that spawn randomly about the map.

If you collect enough gold bars to play the race, after the event the race will still be accessible to you for quite some time (typically 2-6 months). This means even if a race requires 5000 total level and you have 500, you can still play it if you acquired enough gold.

After the event, if you have enough total level to play the race, the gold you collected is irrelevant.


Have fun, go win a knife.

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Added colorful text to make it easier to tell if you toggled [WISHON] vs. [WISHOFF] (in case you have them both bound on 1 key, like I do).


Balance n' stuff. Some of these (mostly older races) won't go live until server restart. A lot of newer races will already be live. Even if the "skillsinfo" is updated, it does not mean the change is live.


  • Deadly Decoy now deals 60% of normal damage instead of 50%
  • Flame predator has 70% low grav (from 60%) and 50% chance to proc burning blades (from 40%)
  • Forest elf is marginally more invisible in the sky and also has 40% invis while he is climbing trees
  • Ghost skillsinfo was wrong, the lifeleech was actually 18% Tooltip fixed and lifeleech buffed to 22%
  • Holy Juggernaut now deals 3 bonus damage per shotgun pellet
  • Krillin's ultimate lasts a little longer.
  • Luna's bonus damage aura is +6 (from +4)
  • Master of War now either gets either damage reduction or speed (but no speed loss). It also has an overlay now that shows 0 (for "low morale") or 1 (for "high morale"). High morale = speed, low morale = dmg reduc. I also slightly altered the calculations so you might get higher than the minimum dmg reduc and bonus speed a little more often
  • Methodical now gains 10 health per hit (up from 5), gets 150% bonus xp (from 100%), has a 40% speed boost on hit (from 25%), and gains 20% invis on hit (from 10%)
  • Molecule now reflects damage on evaded knife hits
  • Paradox now has 30% dmg reduc in burst mode instead of 20%. Also fixed the tool tip for "fast/tough" being wrong. Also, paradox was not getting his bonus attack speed in automatic fire mode and this has been fixed.
  • Plaguebearer now deals 30 damage with his poison from all poison effects (up from 25). The poison from pile has been accelerated to being dealt over 5 seconds (from 10 seconds)
  • Scattergunner now has a +25% base attack speed buff on his skill "Double Shot"
  • Recon Scout now has a higher damage multiplier on the skill "marksman" (from 60% bonus damage at max distance to 150%)
  • Shadespawn no longer has to have hit/blinded enemies to use his ability/ultimate
  • Shadow Hunter now has 2.5 hp regen for himself and his nearby allies (up from 2.0)
  • Tatsu is now more like ice.
  • Trickster Assassin now takes 25% less damage (from 20%) and armor absorbs 25% of damage (from 20%)
  • Warden now deals a little more damage with shadow strike

Edit: one I forgot

  • Banshee the screen flash is now insane and the damage is dealt by banshee instead of self damage. Also, the banshee no longer has to be looking at you to shake your screen or damage you, only you have to be looking at the banshee. It also prints in chat if you shake a player and damage will show up on damage reports in console. Also, you gain 20% speed per hit (up from 10%) and decreased the ultimate cooldown (20 to 15)

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Removed chain restriction on succubus

Added chain and gloves restriction on SWAT

Added a console print for Lina's wave AOE damage

Fixed a bug where Lina column could trigger on the hit that killed a player, producing a weird visual (the column would be in the air, not on the ground) and also running unnecessary code.

Fixed an oversight where Rokhan's poison would trigger on grenades (supposed to be knife only).

Added the nade spam-prevention to demonhunter (this functions the same as orc)




I'm aware of a lot of complaints about Doom and Rokhan's stealth. I will not make changes before the event ends, as that would be unfair to people who played more after the nerf, and there are prizes on the line.


My current ideas are thus:

Add a minimum damage amount to trigger doom (25?) or make it only trigger on non-grenade damage. This would prevent nades from triggering doom and fix 99% of the grief probably. If that isn't enough, maybe add a cap on how many times it can tick OR how much total damage it can deal before it ends.

Reveal rokhan when he is very close to an enemy (regardless of anyone is looking at him). This will prevent some of the silliness that occurs when Rokhan quickly runs right beside you and stabs you in the back. Not a lot of stealthy tactics are really involved in that. This also makes it so that if your teammate is getting stabbed, they are revealed before they stab the player (even if its just 100 extra milliseconds) and I think this will help people protect each other a lot. If that isn't enough, I'll probably also increase the view cone for "detection" maybe from 20 to 24 degrees and the range by 10-25%. Hopefully that isn't necessary though.


If you have any other suggestions (beyond "delete the race", which could be a valid argument but it is too soon to resort to that), please feel free to make a thread (do not post it in the bug post) or PM me on steam or the forums.


I will probably also fiddle with Khadgar and Yrel's skill values a tiny bit, but no definite ideas yet. I personally think Cho'gall has been doing just fine for the most part.

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